Jennifer Aniston Marriage, Taylor Swift Legs, Hope Solo Sex Symbol

A fun, raunchy time talkin’ about Jennifer Aniston’s anticipated Marriage, Taylor Swift Legs showing during a wind blowing, and US Women’s World Cup Soccer Team Goalie Hope Solo becoming, in caps, a Sex Symbol. First, Ms. Aniston.

In Touch Magazine, which has become this blogger’s favorite gossip rag (no paid endorsement here), has Jennifer Aniston on the front cover of its August 22nd edition with the title “Jen & Justin’s Shotgun Wedding,” as if Jed Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies were standing before them saying “Do it now, dangit!”

In Touch implies there’s something wrong with Aniston wanting to marry (or at least that’s the rumor) actor Justin Theroux, after something like a month of dating. My take is, I’ve known guys who married women after something like two weeks and 13 years later, they were still together. It’s not the time, but the “click” and once you meet someone who you have that “click” with, that ping where you just know that’s the person for you, then you’ve got to go ahead and do it. And perhaps that’ what’s going on here?

But where I do set the pause button is on the fact that I’ve never heard of Justin Theroux until now. How about you? According to In Touch, Justin lives in an apartment. Man, Jennifer is a multi-millionaire with a mansion, and several houses. That’s the issue I have – Justin’s marrying into her money, bringing nothing other than, well, you know.

To me, that’s too far down a stretch for Jennifer, in my view. Yeah, I’m willing to reconsider, but to me, the spouse has to bring something economically to the table – something that he or she is doing that has or could have value. Say Justin’s a programmer with a hot new game, and just needs some investment money.

I’ll think about that some more, but I just don’t give a marriage between them much long-term chance. Of course, I’ve never seen them together, so what the hell do I know?

I do know that Country Music star Taylor Swift has great legs, and you can see them, and her hind quarters here. All I can say is this wind that caught the Fearless album producer’s skirt at a recent concert did Ms. Swift a massive favor and made her a sex symbol on top of a singing star. That image has gone viral and will stick with her for the rest of her life, with some comparing Taylor (favorably) to Marilyn Monroe.

If that wind blowing episode was planned, and I think it was, it was smart. Smart because until this week, Taylor Swift was rather quiet in buzz land. Not any more.

And for those who think Taylor Swift should use her platform to make political statements about girl power, I have to agree and disagree. After visiting Nashville for the first time since I was 14 and for the wedding of my cousin, and spending more and more time in Atlanta, I can say that Taylor, who lives in Nashville, and is a popular presence with the locals, is a Southern Bell.

Sounthern Bell’s don’t make direct political statements on the fly. They’re known much more for action than words, and that’s Taylor Swift. At this time, she doesn’t want you to know her politics, all the better to keep fans focused on her music. But when you go to her concerts, she does have a place where young girls can get makeup. Some women, mothers, don’t like that, and think it’s too, well, “girly.” Personally, I see nothing written that says a woman can’t know how to put on makeup and still be empowered.

I really bristle at the idea that a woman has to look like a man to be taken seriously. In other words, sexual cues have to be taken out of the picture. That’s one of the dumbest views I’ve ever been exposed to, yet it’s one that seems to have hit mainstream social levels. We have WNBA players wearing men’s shorts – I want to see athletic women, not men.

What’s weirder is that during the 70s, the NBA men had on short-shorts, but now, we can’t have women wearing short shorts on the WNBA? Nuts. Just plain nuts. With women athletes on the rise, it’s time to allow us guys to appreciate them, and just in the same way as a girl talks about an MLB baseball player’s butt.

Time for a culture war – I’m willing to fight it. In fact, I am doing just that.

Calming down a bit, we close with the rise of US Women’s World Cup Soccer Team Goalie Hope Solo to Sex Symbol, or so says In Touch Magazine. And let’s face it, USA win or lose to Japan, anyone could see that Solo’s rise to buzz-maker and sex symbol was going to happen once the camera focused on her on the World stage.

Now, Hope’s a frequent guest on The Late Show With David Letterman, and just may be the right person to kick a ball at the person who issued a death threat to David Letterman.

Solo’s also perfect for Dancing With The Stars and says she’s a big fan of the show. On top of that, Hope Solo’s not shy about showing off her female-fit-model-buffed, tanned body, so it’s a sure bet we’re going to see more of it – and her.

Hope should take advantage of the spotlight while it’s on her, and black-out the negative voices. Life’s too short to take on the insecurities of others.

Stay tuned.

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