Zennie62.com Credentialed For Democratic National Convention 2012

Yep! Zennie62.com has been credentialed for the 2012 Democratic National Convention, and for the second time in four years! In 2008, Zennie62.com was called “Zennie’s Zeitgeist” and was one of 128 blogs credentialed for the historic Denver event that saw Illinois Senator Barack Obama become the first African American to be elected to represent either the Democratic or the Republican Party in the race for President. That November, Obama was the landslide election victor, beating Republican Arizona Senator John McCain for POTUS.

In 2008 four people represented “Zennie’s Zeitgeist” at the DNC: Ashley Long, Tom Hayes, Dave Kaye, and myself. This year, that’s up to the DNCC; if they say one, that’s me – if I get more than one, like two, fine. I didn’t ask for four slots, because I figured there would be more bloggers this time around, thus fewer slots per blog.

Still Multimedia Coverage

Zennie62.com’s approach will still be multimedia: blogs, videos, microblogs, photos, and audio. In fact, I created this video in 2008, and at CNN’s request, to show how that works:

The difference is that we’re using a lot more platforms than before, and have established great partnerships with companies like Tout.com.

So, that’s the buzz for now, but it’s a pretty big item of it!

Stay tuned for more news!

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