Oakland News: Dibble At The Alley Tuesday, Crime Stop Training, BUILD

This Oakland News has a lot going on for Tuesday, June 18th, 2013, which is tomorrow.

First, the legendary Rod Dibble is back at The Alley at 3325 Grand Avenue across from Walden Pond Book Store and The Boot And Shoe, and up the street from The Grand Lake Theater. The famous piano man knows something like 6,000 songs and show-tunes in his head, and took the time one Tuesday night in 1997 to get me out of my shyness and encourage me to sing – something.

The song was New York, New York.

Rod Dibble recently underwent tripple-bypass heart surgery, an event that caused him to miss playing at The Alley for several weeks on end. Well, folks, I’m happy to announce, he’s back! Go and see him tomorrow, Tuesday, starting at 9 PM and through 12 midnight. And to correct myself from a statement I made in the video, Rod will resume a Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays schedule.

John King and Liz Setzer are to be thanked for ably filling in for Rod, as has Paul Hebclar, who normally plays on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 8 PM.

Don’t Forget The New Parkway At 474 24th Street In Downtown Oakland

A great place to watch a movie, for cheap, while eating great food!

Two Men Beat Up Woman At Adams Point, Jayne & Lee

On the matter of crime, this update:

The person wrote that…

My co-worker, who lives on Jayne, just alerted me to a very disturbing and violent incident last night.

Her roommates were biking home a few minutes apart around 1:30am. The first roommate (a woman) arrived at the corner of Jayne and Lee to encounter two men beating up a woman. The first roommate yelled for the men to stop, that she was calling the police and began dialing. One of the men chased after her and began to beat her. The woman who was originally being beaten fled. The second roommate (also arrived) arrived, buzzed my co-worker (who was sleeping) to let her into the building and yelled for my co-worker to call the police. My co-worker came down from the building to the street to join the second roommate and when the men saw the 2 additional women, they left. The first roommate suffered two black eyes and was kicked in the ribs. The police arrived in 10 minutes or less and took a report.

What is so disturbing about this incident to me is that the men did not appear to be after any property. They did not take the bikes, cell-phones, wallets, etc. The other disturbing thing is that roommate #1 tried to help another victim in distress and then became victimized. Obviously if we see something bad happening to someone, our desire is to help and our presence is critical to stop the violence…but one additional person was not enough. Once there were 2 additional people, these guys ran away. I’m not sure if there is anything to learn from this other than being ready and available to help as part of a group…?

One thing is if you’re going to be out at 1 AM in Lake Merritt Adams Point, make sure you are either with a group of people, like four or more, or if not, that you take a cab home.

What’s disturbing is that there’s no report of anyone having actually heard a woman screaming, which I would think would have happened if two men were beating her up right on the corner of Jayne and Lee.

Crime Stop Training This Tuesday, 3 PM

Not far from The Alley and starting at 3 PM and going to 4:30 PM is the June 18 Merchant Watch Training for Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Ave. business owners and managers. The meeting will take place at 3534 Lakeshore Ave., at the Baptist Church. To RSVP and for more information call or email RSVP or more information: Hoang Banh, OPD Neighborhood Services Coordinator at 510-238-6566, hbanh@oaklandnet.com, or Eddie Simlin, OPD Merchant Watch Coordinator, 510-238-6200, esimlin@oaklandnet.com

BUILD East Oakland Summer Camp Open

On June 15th, BUILD East Oakland Summer Camp issued the following video to announce its 2013 Launch Camp. BUILD East Oakland uses entrepreneurship to excite and propel disengaged, low-income students through high school to college success. For more information, contact:

BUILD East Oakland
7700 Edgewater Drive, Suite 658
Oakland, CA 94621
fax: 510.269.2801


BUILD North / West Oakland
1212 Broadway, Suite 630
Oakland, CA 94612
tel: 510.271.8244
fax: 510.271.7944

Other Stuff:

Congrats to Kirsten E. Weisser, the wife of Joe Tuman (the next would-be candidate for the 2014 Oakland Mayor’s Race, other than Bryan Parker) was selected as one of the top 100 00 most influential women in bay area business at the The SF Business Times “Most Influential Women in Business Awards” held last Thursday, June 6th, at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Meanwhile, Mr. Tuman has yet to make his political future public – what’s up Joe?

The Worst Case Of Dumping In Oakland At 353 Euclid Av.

Enough said. I don’t care that people are doing it in San Francisco, it makes me wonder what kind of house the people who do this sort of thing do. The owners of the building at 353 Euclid should be shamed of this. And yes, I’ve made an issue of this before, but I’m not going to stop until the practice stops. It’s Pigsty Nation in Oakland, you know?

Kincaid’s Jack London Square All Night Monday Happy Hour

Kincaid’s Jack London Square has an all-night Monday Happy Hour that starts tonight June 17th and goes to Monday, September 2nd. Drinks are just $5. For more call (510) 835-8600 or visit them at 1 Franklin St, Oakland.

Speaking Of Drinks And Oakland: The Manhattan Greyhound At The Lake Chalet

This video presents a new cocktail I ordered at The Lake Chalet:

Try it, because I guarantee you will like it.

Oakland Coliseum Sewage Problem Becomes Public

A stadium sewage leakage problem that has plagued the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum for some time has finally become a story. The real issue is that there are about 20 items that were on the original punch-list of the improvements to the Oakland Coliseum that were never done to cut costs associated with the project to bring the Raiders back to Oakland.

As I said to then-Oakland Councilmember and now Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley in 1997 and before the Community and Economic Development Agency morning meeting, the Coliseum was upgraded to bring the Raiders back to Oakland, but as a baseball stadium it’s substandard.

That was in 1997; this is 2013.

Stay tuned.

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