Marcos Sarinana Gurrola Fired 50 Shots “To Vent” At Fashion Island Newport Beach

Marcos Sarinana GurrolaMarcos Sarinana Gurrola is another nutcase who, on Saturday, fired 50 rounds in the air at Fashion Island Shopping Center in Newport Beach, Ca. The falling bullets didn’t hit anyone, but the question is why do it in the first place?

The explanation he gave to Newport Beach Police was that he was “venting.” That’s right: venting. According to the LA Times, Marcos Sarinana Gurrola is 42, appears to be unemployed and perhaps living out of his car. Newport Beach Police Chief David McGill said that Gurrola was “unhappy about a lot in life and decided this was his best way of releasing his tension.”

His actions on Saturday came one day after the Sandy Hook Shooting, six days after the Oregon Shopping Center Shooting, and also one days after a gun battle in, of all places, a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama, and the same day as a shooting at a movie theater in San Antonio, Texas. Too much – something is wrong.

What’s even more notable is none of these incidents are related in any way other than gun violence. That means we have a lot of “triggers” being set off in today’s America, and where people, all men so far, feel they have to use a gun and either kill people, or in the case of Marcos Sarinana Gurrola, give the impression that he was going to do so.

This is crazy.

Here’s the reaction to the actions of Marcos Sarinana Gurrola on Twitter at the time it was happening:

Stay tuned.

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