Amanda Bynes Checking Into Rehab

Amanda Bynes, the sexy actress who has a problem of some kind she really needs help with, and that’s resulted in her crashing her BMW into other vehicles in Hollywood, has checked in to rehab at the famous undisclosed location.

According to RumorFix, which claims via email this is an exclusive to that site, Bynes will be going in either Tuesday or Wednesday, and into a 30-day in-patient program.

On Sunday, Amanda Bynes was stopped for driving on a suspended license, and as a result, her car was impounded. She was charged with DUI just weeks before that incident and for the previously mentioned hit-and-run habit with her Bimmer.

Bynes was also recently seen engaging in behavior that has some questioning her mental stability. But this blogger questions her friends and family. Where are they? It’s clear she’s got an angel in the Los Angeles Police, because she didn’t do a lot of time in jail.

The entry into a rehab facility means she’s reached the upward bound of a fun life of party and drugs gone too far. Let’s pray she gets the help she needs.

Rumor Fix link here

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