Marissa Powell: Miss Utah 2013 Flies To New York Today; David Letterman?

Marissa Powell, or Miss Utah 2013 who became famous last night for her flub of a question on income inequality, has announced on her Twitter account at 1:37 PM EST that she was headed to New York City:

Miss Utah meet Miss Teen South Carolina
Miss Utah 2013 meet Miss Teen South Carolina 2007
Since the general reason someone like Marissa Powell, the 2013 Miss Utah in the Miss USA Pageant won by Miss Connecticut Erin Brady, would be flown to New York City in such a short amount of time from the rise of her stardom thanks to her error, would be to appear on a television show, one has to assume its either a morning show like Today, or a late night talk show.

The only top late night talk show filmed before a studio audience in New York is The Late Show with David Letterman.

Marissa Powell gave the worst answer to a question in a nationally televised beauty pageant since Caitin Upton in 2007. In fact, you can compare the responses here:

Thus, the bet here is that Marissa Powell’s going to do a “Top Ten List” for David Letterman on Tuesday. Either that or and have a meeting with Donald Trump.

I’ll bet it’s both.

Let’s see what happens.

Stay tuned.

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