IRS Political Targeting Allegations Are Scary

IRS-logoThe IRS’ political targeting allegations are just plain scary, especially as one who wonders just how the Internal Revenue Service comes to focus on celebrities of a major or minor level. And not just the IRS, but the California Franchise Tax Board, which I believed was targeting me in a similar fashion. Regardless of politics, it should be against the law for a government revenue collection organization to pick on people for political or religious reasons.

If the organization comes to the attention of the IRS via the television, or a letter from someone that points to a political function, then that firm should not be investigated. The reason is simple: the IRS then becomes a tool to use against any person or group and just because that person or group has a point of view that’s different from either ‘the norm’ or what a person in power wants.

That’s not right at all.

And I’m not conservative.

Stay tuned.

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