Mayor Schaaf Backs Loren Taylor For Oakland City Council District 6 Over Natasha Middleton

Mayor Schaaf Backs Loren Taylor For Oakland City Council District 6 Over Natasha Middleton

Mayor Schaaf Backs Loren Taylor For Oakland City Council District 6 Over Natasha Middleton

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf just sent out a fundraising support letter for Loren Taylor, Oakland businessman and new candidate for the Oakland City Council District Six Seat currently held by Desley Brooks.

Now, that may not seem like a big deal or unusual until you consider that when Natasha Middleton filed her papers to run for the same seat, the one fact that stood out on her Emerge Calfornia resume was this: “She recently worked for City of Oakland Councilmember Libby Schaaf as a Policy Analyst and Constituent Liaison.”

Can you say “wow?”

So it begs the question why Mayor Schaaf would not back someone who has it on her resume that she worked for her? It’s also worth noting that Ms. Middleton does not mention Mayor Schaaf anywhere on her campaign website.

And it gets better: current Oakland City Councilmember Annie Campbell Washington has endorsed Middleton, but also values Loren Taylor.

Meanwhile, Mayor Schaaf’s ill-advised decision to call Councilmember Brooks “Donald Trump of Oakland” may wind up having the same impact on Brooks re-election run as it is having on Schaaf’s. If that’s the case, then Taylor, Middleton, and Mya Whitaker will wind up taking a back seat to Brooks in name recognition, thanks to Libby.

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