Shereda Nosakhare: Libby Schaaf Didn’t Want Her To Run For Oakland City Council District Six

Shereda Nosakhare was first reported in this space (yep, story broken here) to be the newest candidate to run for the Oakland City Council Seat currently held by Desley Brooks. Here’s the video:

UPDATE: Libby Schaaf’s Official Statement on Shereda Nosakhare’s run for Oakland City Council:

Just read your post (this one). It is really not accurate. I back Shereda 110 percent. She is one of the most talented and dedicated public servants I’ve ever met. It’s inaccurate to say I pushed her to run. That decision was entirely hers.


Libby says that’s wrong.

Hold everything.

Ms. Nosakhare also not only works for Oakland City Council District Four Representative and Oakland Mayor’s Race candidate Libby Schaaf, but her association with Councilmember Schaaf is obvious when you search for the name “Shereda Nosakhare Oakland.”


That’s because Shereda Nosakhare works as a field representative for Councilmember Schaaf and has her own web page that says so.

So, anyone should be forgiven for assuming that my good friend Libby Schaaf is backing Shereda Nosakhare’s effort to get elected, run against Michael Johnson, and replace Councilmember Brooks.

Not so.

Libby called to specifically inform me that she and her staff tried to talk Ms. Nosakhare out of running for the seat this year: “Neither me, nor my staff supported her decision. This is something she’s doing on her own.”


That opens up a new problem, of sorts, both for Shereda Nosakhare and Libby Schaaf.

See, Shereda, as of this writing, lacks a campaign website, or any easily searchable online marking that effectively says she’s running for Oakland City Council. Nothing.

What’s there are massively obvious references to her position and work with and for Councilmember Schaaf.

So whatever counter-messaging Libby tries to do backfires because, first, it causes people to search for “Shereda Nosakhare Oakland” where they find the web pages reporting she works for Libby, then, second, click on them – thus assuring their constant high-ranking in search results.

The best thing for both is to get cracking on new web pages – and fast, as it looks like the messaging cat is out of the bag.

On the other hand, Shereda may want the cred that goes with being associated with Libby, even though it will certainly open that giant can of worms associated with Desley and Libby’s relationship as it currently stands.

Stay tuned.

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