Christopher Hitchens Of Vanity Fair Passes At 62

Death is not something one is prepared for, it just happens. That was true last night for the great public intellectual and Vanity Fair writer Christopher Hitchens. This blogger thought Hitchens would beat his battle with esophageal cancer, of which he announced he was fighting in 2010. Very sad, because the thought in my head about anyone of such a platform is it’s a representation of a combination of their spirit, our culture, and just plain damn luck.

Regardless you just don’t think someone like that’s going to up and die before they’re ready, but that’s what happened. Yeah, I’m saying I don’t think Mr. Hitchens was ready to pass on. Since he wasn’t convinced there’s a Heaven, he had to get all the Johnny Walker he could right here on earth.

After writing 25 books, and pissing off everyone from Mother Teresa fans to Bill Clinton supporters, and for calling the former a dwarf and the latter a rapist, Christopher Hitchens finally had to come to terms with his own mortality, and from what I could tell from looking afar, he never did. What we have now is a non-corporeal representation of a restless spirit, really angry he didn’t get the chance to finish his polemic against much of the World. He will be haunting us for the rest of our lives.

As I say in the video, I am not afraid to have faith in God, so I didn’t understand Hitchens ranting on about the problems of faith, or his shaky reasoning for it: that it essentially makes me closer to the animals. Well, considering how much war human’s rage, being closer to an animal’s not such a bad thing, really.

Christopher Hitchens is upset – he’s in Heaven, and even though he had no faith in God, the simple fact he kept talking about God put him there.

Stay tuned.

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