Air Condition Not Cooling? EDS Air Conditioning Explained Why

In the South, and particularly in Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and The Carolinas, it’s vitally important to have a working air conditioning system. Non-working air conditioning systems are just as bad as if there was no machine at all.

Where we live, the air conditioning hasn’t worked well of late. The problem appeared to be simple and fixable to the non-expert: in this case, me. I thought it was a lack of freon.

“In doing some research online, and thanks to the EDS Air Conditioning website, I learned that it was either the air conditioner’s condenser coil or evaporator coil causing the problem.

Basically, the condenser coil and the evaporator coil work in a yin-yang way to produce the cold air that comes out of the house-hold air conditioner. The condenser coil gets heat from inside your home, and the transfers it to the evaporator coil, which in turn releases it to the outside. In order for your air conditioner to work, you can’t have one or the other functioning properly – they both must work.

So visit the EDS Air Conditioning website glossary page for more information on how your AC works. And if you’re having a problem with your A / C, don’t do what I did and try to repair it yourself, call a specialist like EDS Air Conditioning if you’re in South Florida.

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