4chan & Anti Janice Hahn “Give Us Your Cash B” Racist Video Update

At first, the website 4chan and the Anti-Janice Hahn Give Us Your Cash B Racist Video created by that master of self-promotion Ladd Ehlinger, Jr., would seem to have nothing to do with each other. But in point of fact, they do, if only indirectly. 4chan is the missing link in this. But before we look at 4chan (and a brief mention of the web forums tussle with the LulzSec Group), let’s recap the latest development with the video called “Give Us Your Cash B.”

The political talk shows and blogs were buzzing with the news of how horrible, racist, and sexist the video is. But they didn’t just discover the YouTube-posted work, they were bugged to cover it by FilmLadd, Ladd Ehlinger, Jr., who made the video.

Here’s my video about the whole deal:

Ladd, who I tweeted with last night, and actually have a fair amount in common with, is working on behalf of a client that hides behind the new political action group Turn Right USA. The client put him up to creating a video that is not even in accordance with the actual events behind the gang intervention program referred to in it. Indeed, this blogger was the first to shed light on the real story of how Alex Sanchez, the Executive Director of Homies Unidos, was wrongly indicted, jailed, bailed out, and ultimately cleared of all racketeering charges by the Federal Government.

But those facts never hit the brain of Ladd as he created a commercial that basically called Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn a white stripper who cavorts with black rappers and gives them cash from her booty shaking sessions. No, I’m not making that up at all.

The video was created to generate buzz, but to make sure that buzz happened, Ladd tweeted and emailed as many people connected with networks like NSNBC and blogs like Politico, as he could. For example, Mr. Ehlinger so worked Politico’s Ben Smith on Twitter, that Smith asked him to “stop spamming me on this one:”

@benpolitico Ben Smith
@FilmLadd Stop spamming me with this one…
13 hours ago

@benpolitico Ben Smith
@elliottjustin I don’t think you’ve given @filmladd enough attention for this. Please give him more.
13 hours ago

And for all of his efforts, Ladd’s being called everything from racist to, in the words of US News, “adolescent.”

The other problem Ladd Ehlinger created, other than the one for himself, was for Councilmember Hahn’s opponent in the California 36th District Congressional Race, Craig Huey. Now, Huey not only has to issue a statement against the video, which he’s done, but Huey has to suffer from the assumption that, regardless of what he says, there are a large number of people who think he ordered the creation of the video. Check out this Facebook note:

We knew that Craig “Baby” Huey, the Republican-Bigot candidate in a special election for the vacant congressional disrict where I live, is a nasty piece of work, but this attack ad for him is beyond horror. It also informs us exactly what the Republican-Bigots obsess on. It’s no longer “Next Stop: the Twilight Zone.” We’re already there.

And remember, that person lives in the Hahn / Huey District 36, and his view is not in the minority, which means the talk is that Huey is some kind of racist. You can’t win an election in modern America with that tag attached to you, and Huey can’t thank Ladd for making it stick to him.

Meanwhile, Ladd’s defiance isn’t helping, even telling some opponents of the video’s message to “suck” off – not me. His take will only give more fuel to the initiators of the investigation into the creation of the video, especially Janice Hahn, who called for the effort, according to LA Weekly.

And that’s bringing a light on the group Turn Right USA. Crooks And Liars reports that the group: “is based in Gardena, Calif. G. Rick Marshall serves as the group’s designated agent.” And the website has a wealth of information on probable linked relationships that would lead to the financing of the video. And the chain starts with Turn Right USA’s bank Wells Fargo Bank at 6930 Skyway, Paradise, CA 95969.

Interesting that the group is not far from California CD 36.

Something tells me this is going to be more interesting before it’s done.

Vial Intent

What’s of interest is why a website like the infamous 4Chan wasn’t used to make the video go viral? Moreover, how can one use 4chan?

How? How? Well, let’s just say such information’s classified for the purpose of this blog. Don’t want to give right-wingers more ammo than they already have. But it would be cool if someone at LulzSec got after this website: CLICK.

Stay tuned.

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