“Hannibal On NBC” Ups Mads Mikkelsen’s Google Ranking

Mads Mikkelsen’s name is rapidly becoming a house-hold one. Thanks to a number of juicy roles that all fit the bill of someone who’s morally challenged, the Danish actor’s Google Insight for Search ranking is rising to a pattern of behavior that is typical for A-list celebrities.

But before we look at his chart, let’s check out the trailer for “Hannibal on NBC”:

If you note the part of the chart marked May 2012, (you can run your cursor over the line and watch the dates and rankings change) you see a large uptick in Mr. Mikkelsen’s Google ranking, from 20 to 51 – that marked his win for Best Actor at The Cannes Film Festival for The Hunt.

The man who twice played the villain LeCheffe in James Bond films Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace, enjoyed much press and buzz from that award, and from others for The Hunt, and because he’s Danish, his search volume is truly international, assuring a faster climb than if he were just known in one country. That set the tone for his next jump from 38 to 40 because of the release of the trailer for Hannibal on NBC

But looking closer at the most recent results for Mikkelsen’s Google Rankings, we find that on Sunday, February 24th, Mads hit the 100 point peak.

That day was Oscar Sunday, and Mads was not far away from this blogger in Hollywood for the Independent Spirit Awards and The Academy Awards…

85th Annual Academy Awards - ArrivalsThe ratings power of just being seen on the ABC show The Oscars: Red Carpet Live!, which drew 25.3 million viewers, can immediately boost the search volume for anyone who appears before cameras there. That’s why Mads hit 100, and whoever the PR genius was that arranged to get him there is to be applauded and rewarded for their work.

From that point of 100, the only way to go was down, and that’s what happened, but not dramatically so considering what I’ve observed is standard for celebrity pattern here. He dropped from 100 to a steady state in the 40s, until climbing again on March 13th, and with the new commercials for Hannibal on NBC. Mads went from 41 to today’s high of 69.

And it’s not even April 4th.

But that point, my prediction is that Mr. Mikkelsen’s Google Ranking will fall to the 60s, and then jump again to the 90s in April, hitting 100 on April 4th, when Hannibal premiers on NBC. After that point, his ranking’s steady state will fall to 50, which is pretty good and comparable to celebs like Miley Cyrus.

What does all of this mean? It means that the higher a person’s Google ranking is, the more ad dollars they should be able to command. To whatever degree this isn’t true in actual practice is only because ad agencies don’t do the kind of analysis I just presented.

Stay tuned.

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