World Premiere: THE LOVING STORY @ Full Frame Film Festival

April 15th marks the world premiere of a moving documentary of the famous case of Mildred and Richard Loving a landmark civil rights struggle resolved in 1967 by the United States Supreme Court declaring Virginia’s anti-miscegenation statute – which had been used to arrest the Lovings – unconstitutional.

The Loving family
Film producers deftly wove archival stills and footage into the story
The Elisabeth Haviland James/Nancy Buirski film premieres today at the annual Full Frame Film Festival and will air again four times next week as part of the Tribecca Film Festival in New York.

By including photos by Grey Villet and rare and never-before-seen 16mm archival footage the film-makers shed intimate light on the injustice of the Loving’s decade-long plight. The unanimous 1967 decision in Loving v. Virginia overturned all remaining anti-miscegenation laws in America, vindicating the Lovings who had been arrested in 1958 in their Virginia home.

From the article at the Full Frame Festival story.
Walter Dellinger will moderate a conversation following screening with filmmakers Nancy Buirski and Elisabeth Haviland James and their special guests: Peggy Loving, Hope Ryden who contributed the old film footage, and Bernie Cohen, one of the ACLU lawyers who took on the case.

Follow the film via Facebook and on Twitter: @thelovingstory.

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