Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Recall Effort Gains $100,000

The latest news in the Occupy Oakland constellation of information is the effort to recall Oakland Mayor Jean Quan. According to an email from a source, Sanjiv Handa, East Bay News Service reports that $100,000 has been pledged toward the effort to recall the Mayor. Also, the latest Occupy Oakland news is that Oakland Police … Read more

Occupy Oakland: Don Macleay, Wilson Riles Call For No Eviction

At a press conference Sunday evening, Don Macleay, head of the Oakland Green Party, Wilson Riles, long-time Oakland activist, Vicki McGuire, mental health professional, and Naomi Shiff, Oakland architect and preservationist, all called for Oakland Mayor Jean Quan to avoid what will almost certainly be a violent removal of the Occupy Oakland encampment. Here are … Read more

Occupy Portland 3,000 Cleared, Occupy Oakland Next?

Occupy Portland was forcebly removed after an order by Portland Mayor Sam Adams was given to clear the encampment at 12 midnight Sunday. A TODAY Show post reveals that the action was the third of a number of similar ones planned by West Coast Mayors, seemingly after consultation with each other. This one drew 3,000 … Read more

New York ComicCon Starts

Months after San Diego’s Comic Convention today starts the New York Comic Con. The event started today (October 13) and will continue through October 16. So, for those who missed out on the San Diego Comic Con here is the second chance to experience every comic book collector’s dream. There are so many events going … Read more

Glen Rice, Chamillionaire At TechCrunch Disrupt, Scarlett Johansson Nude

The top pop news today is about Glen Rice (with Sarah Palin), Chamillionaire At TechCrunch Disrupt, and Scarlett Johansson. The Internet, and especially Twitter, is buzzing with the news that former Miami Heat NBA Star Glen Rice had a one-night-stand with now-former Alaska Governor and Fox News Contributor Sarah Palin in 1987, when she was … Read more

TechCrunch Disrupt More Than Arrington v. AOL; TripTrotting, Shaker

As TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco goes into day two, what becomes apparent to this blogger is TechCrunch blog founder Michael Arrington’s “departure” from the blog itself is, for all practical purposes, cosmetic. The famed “argument” between Arianna Huffington and Michael never really happened according to Huffington herself. Michael’s just playing it all to look more … Read more

T Paw: Race Claims First Victim

Despite coming in third place in the Straw Polls yesterday, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has dropped out of the race. The Associated Press reports: ” “I wish it would have been different. But obviously the pathway forward for me doesn’t really exist so we are going to end the campaign,” Pawlenty said on ABC’s … Read more

Sugarland Stage Collapse Indiana State Fair Tragedy

This, the Sugarland Stage Collapse Indiana State Fair Tragedy, is simply the most horrifying video this blogger has ever posted. On Saturday, as the country band Sugarland was preparing to perform, powerful winds and thunderstorms were building. To the credit of the event organizers, they were evacuating people from the area around the stage when … Read more

Michelle Bachmann Wins Poll – BART Cell Phone Cut Off Mubarek Action

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, in a development shocking to some, but pleasing to this blogger, won the Ames Iowa Republican Presidential Straw Poll, beating back a field of her competitors, most notably Congressman Ron Paul. And in other news covered here before, BART, the Bay Area Rapid Transit System, is being unfavorably compared to former Egyptian … Read more

Rupert Murdoch, News Of The World, and Phil Bronstein’s Disappointing Take

As you may know, News Corporation boss Rupert Murdoch elected to shut down the 168-year-old News Of The World, the UK’s famous tabloid paper, because of allegations of alleged police bribery and phone hacking, for starters (looks like there’s more news coming). On this, I contacted Hearst Corporation’s Executive Vice President and Editor-At-Large Phil Bronstein … Read more

USA 3, France 1 – Abby Wambach, Hope Solo, Women’s Soccer Win

What more can be said about the USA Women’s Soccer win over France on Wednesday? Let’s see the score, again: USA 3, France 1. Nice. But even better was the way the team, led by Abby Wambach and Hope Solo, played with heart. Massive HEART. When France tied the contest 1-all, it seemed the USA, … Read more

James Harrison – Steelers LB Disses Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner

Steelers Linebacker James Harrison has went totally off the chain in his dis of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. In Men’s Journal, which follows the trend of making news by using over-the-top interviews (think the classic Rolling Stone Megan Fox Interview of 2010), Harrison not only calls Goodell “stupid” and a “crook” and a “devil,” and … Read more

Michele Bachmann Buzzing; Sarah Palin’s Enemy Blogger Syrin, Buzzed

It’s almost a full day after the GOP Debate, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is still in the top 10 of Google Trends results. Earlier today, the Rep from Minnesota was number two in Google Trends. All of this Internet buzz is due not just to her announcement that she’s running for President Of The United … Read more

Might Romney or Bachmann unseat President Obama?

Not in 2012. The debate last night showed there’s still room for national-caliber candidates, which is probably why Ambassador Huntsman is set to jump in. While Huntsman comes as no surprise to pundits, he needs the national exposure now if he’s to have name recognition to run for 2016. And that’s what last night was … Read more

GOP Debate Overview

Watching the GOP Presidential Debates last night on CNN while tweeting was rather interesting. It would have been great to actually be in New Hampshire and witness the event, but sitting in front of the television is the next best thing. CNN’s John King hosted the debate. Has anyone else noticed that Tim Pawlenty and … Read more

Sarah Palin Emails: Blogger Syrin’s Affair Claims Bug Palin Family

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has little use for bloggers, particularly one Alaskan thorn named Sherry Whitstine AKA Syrin (in photo). That much is clear after this blogger’s first perusal through the online files of emails that were posted, thank to The Huffington Post. The particular email segment that focuses on Syrin started July 8, … Read more

Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Beat Mitt Romney In Buzz After GOP Debate

Michele Bachmann over Mitt Romney? In the 2012 GOP Debate in New Hampshire? Well, perhaps we can say that on Monday night Hell did freeze over, and because while Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann didn’t trip up former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, she did outshine both he and Texas Congressman Ron Paul by not being what … Read more

Catherine Zeta Jones Brings Awareness to Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder existed before Catherine Zeta Jones announced she had it, but it always seems like a mental disorder or any disorder at all doesn’t really matter until there is a celebrity that has it. There are so many people out there with bipolar disorder, but now that Jones is publicly bipolar – all of … Read more

Obama’s stand

The President made a compelling case for his vision of the future of the United States, putting the GOP on notice that he is committed to the quality of life for every citizen. The debate over deficits and the federal budget, he said, is about more than just cutting and spending, characterizing the conversation as … Read more