Chris Stevens, Killed US Ambassador To Libya, Was Cal Berkeley Alum

Chris Stevens, Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya who was killed in a protest raid two days ago, was an alumnus of Cal Berkeley, an “Old Blue.” Regarding his passing, the AP reports:

Ambassador Chris Stevens, 52, died as he and a group of embassy employees went to the consulate to try to evacuate staff as a crowd of hundreds attacked the consulate Tuesday evening, many of them firing machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades.

By the end of the assault, much of the building was burned out and trashed. Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979.

According to The Daily Californian, Ambassador Stevens graduated from Cal in 1982, and was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, a participant in intramural football, and a fan of Cal Football, as well. And The Daily Cal says Stevens was a frequenter of “Top Dog and Kip’s Bar,” as was this blogger (well, still am in this case).

Chris Stevens obviously represents the best of Cal. To that, this blogger says GO BEARS!

Stay tuned.

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