James Harrison – Steelers LB Disses Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner

Steelers Linebacker James Harrison has went totally off the chain in his dis of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

In Men’s Journal, which follows the trend of making news by using over-the-top interviews (think the classic Rolling Stone Megan Fox Interview of 2010), Harrison not only calls Goodell “stupid” and a “crook” and a “devil,” and “puppet,” but then says he would not even “urinate” on him if the Comissh were on fire!

Harrison also said more, including getting off a Gay slur, something that suddenly seems all too common.

Even if there are NFL players who support what Harrison said, the way James said it wasn’t right. Regardless of the Natural Born Killers edge American society seems to have adopted, it’s time to get our collectives selves together and stop acting in a way that’s basically mean sprited.

Just the fact I had to blog that takes away from what could have been an effective message by Harrison. He blew it big time.

Roger Goodell is the NFL Commissioner, and he deserves the respect that previous people have received for holding that title.

Stay tuned.

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