Philip Nelson, Rutgers QB: Alleged Assault Against Issac Kolstad Ruins NFL Draft Hopes

Thumbnail for 140190Philip Nelson, the Rutgers QB who transferred from Minnesota State-Mankato, and was ranked the 18th best prospect for the 2016 NFL Draft, has let the Rutgers Football program in crisis and trashed those NFL hopes with a felony arrest for alleged assault that looks like it could lead to some time in the slammer, unless he can clear up what happened.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that 20-year-old Nelson kicked the 24-year-old former Minnesota State-Mankato player Isaac Dallas Kolstad in the head in a weekend fight in downtown Mankato, Minn. On Monday, he was charged with two counts of felony assault.

Rutgers has kicked Philip Nelson off the team.

And all of this because Nelson was jealous that the bouncer at a nightclub kissed his girlfriend’s hand, even though the man Nelson hit wasn’t the bouncer.

Whatever happened, that led to Nelson getting into a fight outside of the club with the ex-Minnesota linebacker Issac Kolstad, who as reported wasn’t the bouncer, and wasn’t involved in flirting with Nelson’s girlfriend.

I know, confusing story.

Columbus Dispatch also says that yesterday, authorities arrested a 21-year-old white man whom they believe punched Kolstad in the same altercation but was not with Nelson in any capacity – it reads like he just jumped in and started hitting Kolstad for no good reason. Other media outlets reported that he ran from the scene of the crime before police caught up to him, and arrested him.

Issac Kolstad is now fighting for his life, and some wonder if the attack on him had something to do with him being black, whereas Philip Nelson and the other attacker are white.

According to, Nelson said that he did not hit Kolstad and that he thought he had been punched by the bouncer. Clearly, a number of people had too much to drink. Nelson said that he walked away and does not remember kicking Kolstad in the head.

Witnesses say Nelson did and police say a video records him doing so.

It reads like Nelson was so drunk he believed Kolstad was the bouncer and went after him, when Kolstad may have just been a bystander.

UPDATE: The story made it to Good Morning America, Monday. Here’s the video:

Issac Kolstad’s also a father of a three-year-old, and his wife Molly is said to be expecting another child.

At CaringBridge and, where donations are sought and they need your help, Issac Kolstad’s father Blaine writes:


Isaac suffered a severe head injury early this morning. He is currently in Critical condition and fighting for his life. He is young and strong, but the battle he has in front of him is enormous. We do not yet know the full extent of his injuries. He is very sick. Please pray for Isaac and all of those involved.


These tweet capture the scene and explain what happened to some extent:

Philip Nelson is out on bail. He should pray that Kolstad survives and is able to clear Nelson’s name. Otherwise, this could rise to a murder charge.

It is stupid to fight over a woman in a bar.

UPDATE: The full complaint is here:

Nelson Complaint

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