Jessica Dorrell Used $20K To Buy Acura, But Why Did Petrino Give Her Cash?

Jessica Dorrell At Her Then New Job
Jessica Dorrell At Her Then New Job
Various blogs and news websites are reporting that then-Arkansas Head Coach Bobby Petrino’s mistress Jessica Dorrell used the $20,000 he gave her to purchase an Acura, before he worked the system to get her the job of Player Development Coordinator with the Arkansas Razorbacks Football team.

Fine, but the main question has still not been answered: why would Bobby Petrino elect to give Dorrell $20,000 and then work a last minute deal to get Jessica Dorrell the job?

Or put it another way: why not $30,000 in the fall? Why not more? Or why did the job have to be now? Why not down the road to the fall? What chain of events led to that development?

Did Petrino fear losing Dorrell to her planned marriage to Josh Morgan? The two were to become husband and wife on June 9th of this year. (I don’t know what the status of those plans are.) Was this a way of keeping her around?

More coming.

Stay tuned.

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