Golden Globe Awards Website Crashes Under Traffic Weight

goldenglobes-web The 70th Annual Golden Globes is underway on NBC, and as Christophe Waltz won the Best Supporting Actor Award for Django Unchained, a problem occurred with the GGA website: it crashed.

Try to access a page, any page, and the result is a spinning, working blue circle on Firefox, and that means it’s working and getting close to uploading the page you want, but it’s not there.

The solution? The Golden Globes webmaster should reset the server. Also, the website itself has too many video embeds, so any browser has to do a lot of work in loading the page and its videos – on a busy night like this. (Well, the busiest night.)

Will The Golden Globes Website ever come up? Well, it seems not, because it took me 10 minutes to type this blog post, and that circle’s still spinning.

Stay tuned.

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