Shi’dea Lane Speaks Out On Cleveland Bus Driver Hitting Her

Shi’dea Lane, the 25-year-old woman who was hit square in the face with a right hook by Cleveland RTA Bus Driver Artis Hughes after complaining to him, and then spitting on him and hitting him after Hughes launched a verbal assault on her, is speaking out about what happened.

Here’s the video, again with my comments, followed by what Ms. Lane told Fox 8 News in Cleveland:

Lane said:

“I don’t remember everything, because I was so hysterical at the time. The bus driver didn’t think I had any money to get on the bus and I was looking for it, trying to tell him that I have money to get on the bus. Can you just let me find it? And from there it just escalated…It’s amazing to see how a man would hit a woman that hard. Are you serious? You could have pulled me off the bus. You can’t really touch anyone, but for real? You really punched me? It felt like I was on Mortal Kombat. It just hurted. It was almost like a ‘finish him!’ type of hit…No see, that’s why I want to talk to my lawyer. I don’t really want to, I can’t answer that question. It’s more than that,”

What’s so bothersome, again, is that Mr. Hughes could have avoided this by just letting Shi’dea ride the bus. He could have just elected to take her fare out of whatever overages others generally pay to get on – happens all the time. But nope, he took the stupid route.

Stay tuned.

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