Apple iPhone 5; Mitt Romney Error; Zuckerberg Saves Facebook

A bit of a medley of events: Apple iPhone 5; Mitt Romney Error; Zuckerberg Saves Facebook.

First, Apple finally gave iPhone fans who knew they should have avoided buying an iPhone 4s a total headache when the iPhone 5 was introduced in a grand ceremony at Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco. The iPhone 5 is everything we thought it was going to be: thinner, brighter, and faster, but thankfully not more expensive.

The best news of all? The iPhone 4 will be subject to a free giveaway, and the iPhone 4s can be had for just $99.

The Mitt Romney error? To put it simply, Mitt Romney’s become the Tracy Flick of the 2012 Presidential Race. He’s a ruthless campaigner who will say or do anything to win, regardless of the consequences.

Mark Zuckerberg Saves Facebook

Give it to Mark Zuckerberg, who’s masterful presentation at TechCrunch Disrupt SF gave investors a peak behind the curtain, and caused the stock price to increase 7.7 percent for the day. Let’s see how the rest of the week holds.

Stay tuned.

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