TMZ’s Justin Bieber Issue Goes Too Far With Guitar Photos

TMZ, the entertainment blog ran by Harvey Levin, is a genius work that’s served to redefine media and elevate the status and power of blogs – let’s get that out of the way.

But TMZ’ got a Justin Bieber issue like no one’s business. It seems they’re trying to find negative stuff about him, and they serve it up on what seems to be a weekly basis.

But, can Justin Bieber do anything about it? Not as long as someone does things like sells there photos of Justin Bieber standing with a guitar before his grandma without clothes.

TMZ pays top dollar for such photos, and the only way he’s going to get them to stop is haul them to court – then pray the judge sees past his celebrity to punish them to defamation.

That could happen, but then Justin Bieber seems to need TMZ as much as TMZ needs Justin Bieber.

Stay tuned.

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