Zach Tomaselli Made Up Bernie Fine Sex Abuse Claim

Zach Tomaselli
Zach Tomaselli, one of the men who accused now former Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine of child sexual abuse, now says he was lying and “made the entire thing up. I’ve never met Bernie Fine in my life.”

He told

“Bobby Davis told me what to tell detectives and it pretty much took off from there. The evidence that supports me is just pure luck, not real evidence. I made the ENTIRE thing up. I have never met Bernie in my life.”

Jason Whitlock of Fox Sports says that Bobby Davis admitted he knew Zach Tomaselli was lying, and says that ESPN’s Mark Schwarz, who has been covering the story, knew that Bobby Davis was doing this, but was just sitting on the information to “throw gas on the witch hunt.”


Whitlock followed with this Twitter Tweet:

Schwarz could’ve reported this months ago. But he wanted to throw gas on the witch hunt. #markschwartzisanassclown

Stay tuned.

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