Bobby Petrino Will Not Fight Firing; Jessica Dorrell On Leave

Jessica Dorrell At Work March 30th
Jessica Dorrell At Work March 30th
According to Whole Hog Sports, Bobby Petrino will not fight firing of him by Athletic Director Jeff Long on Tuesday, and because of the process of covering up his secret sexual relationship with his aide Jessica Dorrell.

And on the matter of Jessica Dorrell, it’s now reported that she’s on on administrative leave, a University of Arkansas official said Thursday. As to whether the leave is unpaid or paid was not confirmed, but the bet here is that it’s paid.

The photo is of Dorrell at work at her then-new job of Player Development Coordinator for the Arkansas Football Team Friday March 30th; it was that weekend she took the now ill-fated motorcycle ride and crash that led to Petrino’s ouster.

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