Robert Birgeneau : Retiring UC Berkeley Chancellor A Cal Football Fan

Robert Birgeneau. Cal football fan? Yes!

As word goes around that Cal Chancellor Robert Birgeneau announced he would step down from his post, but remain as a teacher at UC Berkeley, I can’t help but go back to the times he made himself available to this video blogger to celebrate Cal Big Game wins. So, without further ado until after the videos, here’s Chancellor Birgeneau:

Cal 34, Stanford 28, November 21st 2009:

Cal 37, Stanford 16, November 22, 2008 (Birgeneau appears at 5:50 mark of video)

I know some Cal alumni aren’t at all happy with the budget cuts that have impacted the program, but I’d throw my choice words at the State of California and the California Electorate. We allowed this to happen, first by supporting Prop 13. It was only a matter of time, and now the State is responsible for just 10 percent of the Cal budget, whereas it was about 74 percent in the 80s.

Meanwhile, I say to Chancellor Birgeneau thanks, and GO BEARS!

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