10 Hours Of Walking In NYC As A Racist Woman – Video

10 Hours Of Walking In NYC As A Racist Woman – Video
10 Hours Of Walking In NYC As A Racist Woman
10 Hours Of Walking In NYC As A Racist Woman

I watched the video 10 Hours Of Walking In NYC as a woman and found that it made me angry with both some of the men and the organization Hollaback.

The vast majority of men were black or Latino which made me wonder why they did not have Shoshana B Roberts walk through the Upper East Side? Or what about Midtown Manhattan?

In all the video take a racist tone. As much as it shows men who are certainly bothering her without question, it also shows men just saying hello to her.

I am afraid that some women use that to segregate who they want to date them. Is is OK for a white guy to act like that? What is wrong with a hello? Is Hollaback trying to kill reproduction?

Stay tuned.

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