Jill Kelley Was The Woman Emailed By Jealous Paula Broadwell In Petraeus Sex Scandal

According to The Associated Press (who I hope didn’t steal the information from a blogger, as they do that) the “other woman” who was the target of heated emails from Paula Broadwell telling her to “stay away” from David Petraeus (not smart, when you think about it) is named Jill Kelley.

The backstory is that CIA Director David Petraeus started an affair with Paula Broadwell just after he was named CIA Director in 2011, according to the Boston Herald. The affair ended four months ago this year, even though it’s not clear just who ended it, David or Paula – there are conflicting reports. Whatever the case, the sex play went on for just over a year.

One report is clear: Holly Petraeus, David Petraeus’ wife of 37 years, is said to be “furious” – and that is an understatement. (Well, it’s an older married woman’s greatest fear confirmed: cheated on by her long-time husband, with a younger woman.)

Ms. Kelley lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband, and is said to work for the State Department in an “unpaid” capacity, which reads as weird. Nina Strochlic of The Daily Beast offers a great breakdown of who Jill is, if not what she did in this sex scandal. Oh, before we continue, here’s video background:

At any rate, Jill Kelley’s 37 years old, hot, three years younger than Paula Broadwell, has an equally hot twin sister, who I believe is in the background in the photo above, and is married, with three kids, to a Dr. Scott Kelley who is, and the quote goes “head of Esophageal Oncology and Surgery at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer and Research Institute in Tampa, Fla.” In other words, he’s the guy you see if you have throat cancer.

But then The Daily Beast’s Nina Strochlic offers this paragraph:

She Works as a Liaison to a Mysterious Counterterrorism Unit
Kelley is the State Department’s liaison to the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), one of the most mysterious components of the U.S. military. Based in Fort Bragg, N.C., the 30-year-old JSOC officially works to study and conduct “special operations requirements and techniques, ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct special operations exercises and training, and develop joint special operations tactics.” But it’s widely known that the JSOC conducts top-secret counterterrorism missions, and encompasses such elite units as the Navy SEALs. The JSOC was integral in helping the CIA and Pentagon in the investigation on the attack of the Benghazi compound, which means Kelley and Petraeus likely crossed paths in their work.

Is Paula Broadwell A Window To Something Bigger?

Ok, there’s a lot of information about Paula and Jill, and David running around, but little speculation. But one item of assumed fact allows us to make some judgements about the players in this boarderline erotic scandal. Paula was jealous of Jill Kelley, if the email reports are to be believed, even though Jill says there’s no sexual relationship between she and David Petraeus.

But on the other hand do you expect Kelley to just blurt out that she’s got a thing for her friend? Come on?

Whatever the truth, and it’s coming soon, Paula’s father Paul Krantz stands by his amazing daughter. (This blogger added the “amazing” part.) “This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out,” Krantz told the New York Daily News. “There is a lot more that is going to come out. You wait and see. There’s a lot more here than meets the eye.”

Stay tuned.

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