Vine Crashes Under Teen Choice Awards Twitter Traffic

vine-twitterVine, the six-second video app created by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov, and Colin Kroll and launched last year before being acquired by Twitter in the fall, has become the go-to-video app for a particular demographic: teens. Want proof? Vine app is down as of this writing, and as the Teen Choice Awards plays in the rest of the United States, having finished for the night on the East Coast.

You can’t make a vine and put it on Twitter, or see one online. It’s just not working. Here are the Twitter tweets.

This has been going on for about 49 minutes now, and now what was once a 503 message, which is standard when the server’s not presenting a page, has been replaced by a “Page not found” page – which is weird because it takes a page to tell me that the page I want doesn’t exist.

Stay tuned.

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