Lindsey Mills, Edward Snowden’s Girlfriend, Blog ‘L’s Journey’ Revealed

Lindsey Mills
Lindsey Mills
Lindsey Mills, Edward Snowden’s alleged girlfriend according to Inside Edition, has hit number five on Google Trends today, as of this writing.

And she’s now a celebrity according to Google Insight for Search:

Lindsey Mills’ relationship with Ed Snowden was first revealed by Inside Edition, and a blog, said to belong to her, was found, and it’s called “L’s Journey: Adventures Of A World-Traveling, Pole Dancing Super Hero.”

According to Gawker, Ms. Mills is, or was, a 28-year-old dancer with the Waikiki Acrobatic Troupe in Hawaii, and graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art, then reportedly worked as a ballet dancer before moving to Hawaii with Snowden.

And this blogger believes she’s indeed Edward Snowden’s girlfriend because the blog was taken down. But guess what? As of this writing, the cached version (called that because search engines take a kind of photo of the contents of a website) still exists, along with her YouTube videos. This is what Lindsey Mills wrote on June 10th:

For those of you that know me without my super hero cape, you can probably understand why I’ll be refraining from blog posts for awhile. My world has opened and closed all at once. Leaving me lost at sea without a compass. Surely there will be villainous pirates, distracting mermaids, and tides of change in this new open water chapter of my journey. But at the moment all I can feel is alone. And for the first time in my life I feel strong enough to be on my own. Though I never imagined my hand would be so forced. As I type this on my tear-streaked keyboard I’m reflecting on all the faces that have graced my path. The ones I laughed with. The ones I’ve held. The one I’ve grown to love the most. And the ones I never got to bid adieu. But sometimes life doesn’t afford proper goodbyes. In those unsure endings I find my strength, my true friends, and my heart’s song. A song that I thought had all but died away, when really it was softly singing all along. I don’t know what will happen from here. I don’t know how to feel normal. But I do know that I am loved, by myself and those around me. And no matter where my compass-less vessel will take me, that love will keep me buoyant.

And this on June 7th:

Sick, exhausted, and carrying the weight of the world — a deadly combo for this performing fish. May have an underwater themed performance happening on tonight’s First Friday, but confirmation has been hit or miss. A deeper, sicker side of me would love for our performance to be cancelled so that my fever could break. But it’ll be my last chance at adagio for awhile, as so many fun summer activities will be taking up my time. Speaking of time, I feel mine is less and less of mine own recently. Therefore, I may be invoking radio silence yet again. I’ll keep you posted, or I won’t. Super heroes need an air of mystery! Stay pole strong my friends <3

And this on June 5th:

Hiking through chaotic jungle weeds I find an abandoned oasis. A smooth mirror of liquid reflecting a jagged cave. Its shady spot a world of promise in the midst of this smothering forest. As I approach I hear friendly voices. Clamoring together in a cacophony of jumbled chords. At water’s edge I see tinkling droplets leave the cave’s canopy. Dive-bomb the mirror below. And distort the fluid floor with rings of sound. Each drop a part of the symphony. Drip — disrobe. Drip — swim. Drip — join us. Coaxing commands. My hands mindlessly making quick work of my clothes. The cool, algae-laden water touching my feet. Slowly gliding ever higher on my skin. As my feet take to obeying the calls. Dragging me deeper into darker waters. Serenading songs echoing off the teeth-ridden roof. Their dripping chant growing clearer, louder, unchanging. Come dance. Come dance in my cave. Their calls falling away as I enter.

But this blog post, on June 3rd, would seem to point to the first time she and Snowden were on the run (if she’s indeed, his girlfriend):

Did you miss me? I know I’ve been missing my sanity! The past few weeks have been a cluster jumble of fun, disaster, and adventure. From pop-up homes to last-minute unplanned adventure to stressful moments that would give Gandhi indigestion. While I have been patiently asking the universe for a livelier schedule, I’m not sure I meant for it to dump half a year’s worth of experience in my lap in two weeks time. We’re talking biblical stuff — floods, deceit, loss. Somehow I’ve only managed a few tears amongst all of the madness of May. Waking up to June with hopes for a better swing of luck, only to find that I’ve lost my camera’s memory card that stored 90% of my trip’s memories. I feel alone, lost, overwhelmed, and desperate for a reprieve from the bipolar nature of my current situation. My coping response of the past was to flea to foreign lands. Trying to outrun my misfortune. But before I can sail away to lands unknown I need to wipe my misguided tears and reflect on all that is happening. Listen to my core. Find zen or something like it. And breathe into what little patience I have left.

This next blog post was from May 17th, and reports a calm period, where she was planning to take a trip leaving Oahu, the Hawaiian island where Snowden reportedly lived:

I must bid you all adieu for a week. After a five hour flight delay I’m currently adventuring on a neighboring island’s gorgeous beaches and wild terrain. When I return to sunny Oahu I’ll have my hands full of in-laws. There’s only so much time one super hero can devote to chaos before she needs a break. And now is just that time. But before I run off into the land of wild, lush, and green; do you remember that one night I was a circus freak for a fancy high-priced event? Here’s a video of that magical evening — my debut adagio performance. See you all in June!

And this on May 15th:

My quiet nap in the cozy grass is abruptly cut short. The ground begins to tremble with impending doom. Blades of green that once shaded me now take to a seizure-inducing dance. I spring up. Popping into the field like a fast-moving weed. To see the invaders moving across my land. Blinded by the sun’s glare off their smooth metallic cores. They lumber along. Oblivious to the life beneath their wake. The laboring giants of steel. Carrying buzzing forcefields to build their conquering new cities. I’ve seen the destruction before. Luscious lands filled with lively songs devoured by cold metal. The aliens have taken what they wanted for years. Leaving only a few of us free rangers left. The mindless monsters trudge on through the field. And in the falling light I hope for escape.

This next post, made on May 13th, indicates a life complicated, but not to the extent it has become. In this case, “E” must be Edward Snowden, and apparently, his family was to pay a visit:

Alls well that ends well, right? My Hawaiian return has been less than paradisal. Unable to put up with my three day long stomach pain I dragged E on a couple hour adventure to an emergency after hours clinic. Where they told me to basically stop being a wuss and superhero up. Saturday started early (thanks jet lag and island birds) with a best friend reunion at a famously delicious spot. But before Chisel, Spotter, and I could enjoy our over-the-top pancakes I was involved in my first two-car collision. I say two car because prior to Saturday I’ve managed to damage my car all on my own. A very apologetic, pick-up truck wielding restaurateur ran his tow hitch into my back door. Determined to rekindle my aloha spirit, I went ahead with my weekend’s plans of pancakes, diving, and circus play. Diving ended up being snorkeling with a new underwater camera, but after the way the weekend started I was happy just to be in the water. With my flickering aloha spirit I endeavor to unpack this three bedroom house in two days time. Why two days? Well I’m island hoping the end of this week and E’s family gets into town the following. Throw in fixing my busted up car on top of it all and I could use a little luck with my to-do list the length of a majestic humpback whale.

This entry on May 10th 2013:

Jet lag on top of being unwell, with a slice of unpacking pie makes for a stressed out L. Not only am I waking up with the sun like the farmer I never was, but my body has decided that it would rather be in days of pain for no apparent reason. Add in a little new house problems like my refrigerator leaking / leaving my food to sour. And maybe it’s understandable why I’d rather go back to bed and wake in a future where my body and house are no longer in disarray. I only wish it were that easy, but there is no rest for this super hero. In less than a week I need to have a functioning house ready for guests. E’s family will be visiting this island at the end of the month. But before they arrive I’ll be setting sail to adventure with friends on one of Hawaii’s other gorgeous islands. And that leaves me with no time at all to accomplish a million tasks while feeling terrible. It’s like someone swapped my task-busting tablets for zombie pills. With sleepless nights, incredible stomach pains, and a familiar cardboard sea; I could certainly use a reboot.

May 8th, 2013:

Sweet breeze smelling of spring. Pollen littering the air. A green flat field reflecting the flat blue sky. Stillness. Wandering in the glow of day. Knees skirting through the prickly weeds. Friendly flies kiss my cheeks. I feel at peace. Under the sun’s watchful eye the ground takes to shaking. Slowly rumbling from deep within its core. And there, before me, it grows. A mound of earth and dirt and grass and life. Shooting ever higher. Below my feet the ground joins its brethren and looks for new height. Scrambling up the settling hill I reach the top. A pimply perch with an extraordinary view. Behind me lay the land I’d blissfully walked my whole life, being eclipsed. And ahead a new land of flowing promise glistening in golden glow. Frozen atop this new peak. The ground restarts its tremble.

May 6th, 2013: Spa Day and Lindsey Mills’ first blog entry:

Today I treated myself and Saucy Red to a spa day. With visions of puffy robes and cucumber water dancing through our heads, the spa day was more like a spa dream inside a happy-ending parlor. Before this becomes a yelp review, I’ll just say that I prefer my masseuses to be less hairdresser chatty and more restorative than the gropey ball of energy I had this afternoon. Notwithstanding the lack of charm, the experience was well worth the time spent with Saucy Red and hearing how wonderful her first massage went. However, the verdict is still out on my shoulders. They are always a tangle of twisted torture. I never heed the advice of so many and make massage a preventative practice. But after today’s painful knot release I think I should start!

That’s all of the posts from her to date.

She also has a Twitter account, where this tweet is interesting:

For those of you wondering when a blog post about PRISM is coming, stay tuned. But as a matter of course, trends get coverage first here. Moreover, PRISM is not news to me, but it seems to be to others, which reveals how little some know about their own government.

Stay tuned.

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