Jordan Matthews Highlights Interview Philadelphia Eagles WR NFL Draft Interview

Jordan Matthews Highlights Interview Philadelphia Eagles WR NFL Draft Interview Jordan Matthews Highlights
Jordan Matthews Highlights Interview

Jordan Matthews Highlights Interview Philadelphia Eagles WR NFL Draft Interview (Zennie62Media coverage sponsored by Courtyard New York Manhattan Central Park)

JORDAN MATTHEWS: To be a part of a great organization like that, being able to play under Coach Kelly; new offense, new style, new flavor in the NFL, I’m so excited. I’m ready to get in the playbook and learn it.

Q. Did you have a sense it was going to be the Eagle?
MATTHEWS: I definitely had a good sense that they were one of the teams that really liked me. Had a great interview, great time when I went up there to go meet with the staff. Coach Kelly was also at my pro day. Had a great pro day.
So you know, stars aligned and I’m able to go to a great situation, so I can’t wait to get going.

Q. Can you talk about how much influence Jerry Rice has been on you and just how you want to make a name for yourself?
MATTHEWS: You know, he’s had a huge influence on me. I think the biggest influence he’s had on me isn’t even the times we’ve actually talked. It’s just being the guy that he is and the type of player that he was that I was able to watch on film and on Sundays when I was a child.
Being able to have a guy like that in your family as a role model and as an example, I daily try to model my game after him, and I think all for ‑‑ the team trying to dissect his playing style, try to add some of those things to my game.

Q. Was it neat to be introduced by Mike Quick who played your position so well in Philadelphia?
MATTHEWS: I just think it was the ultimate blessing. I think God truly had a plan for me. I sat a long time in that room yesterday but I couldn’t ask for a better situation, a better place to be.

Q. Describe yourself as a receiver.
MATTHEWS: Competitive. Competitive, hard‑working, and it’s just ‑‑ I think it’s really that competitiveness that drives the rest of my attributes.
Before you even get to the rest of the stuff like route running, hand speed, being able to catch the ball, being able to run routes, learn offenses, it all starts with being competitive. I want to be the first guy in and the last one out. I want to be able to be the guy that wins all the sprints. I want to be the greatest when it comes down to it.
I feel that’s what drove me in college, to be able to get to play in the SEC where I was, is definitely go going to drive me when I get to the NFL.

Q. Being as competitive as you are, what was it like last night, going through the first round, being here?
MATTHEWS: You know, it was definitely a sour feeling, I’m not going to lie.
But at the same time, I’m tailor‑made for this. I wasn’t heavily recruited out of high school. My mama said, I got my first offer on Christmas Eve after I was completely done with high school football. So I had none my whole career. So my mom said, “Hey, it’s just like Christmas Eve and Christmas comes in the morning.”
I said: You’re right, we’re going to go in tomorrow, we’re going to be ready and now that I have this opportunity, I have got to make the most of it.

Q. What do you expect when you get to Philadelphia? They have a very vibrant fan base.
MATTHEWS: I expect to get in the playbook and get to work. That’s all I expect to do.
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