CES 2013 Is History; Ultra 3D, Samsung, More

CES 2013 is history, and as this blogger sits comfortably in the hallway at the Las Vegas Convention Center blogging, people, carts, and lift-trucks go by carrying things out of the building. Signs are coming down. Workers are festive. (A big shout-out to Tout.com for sponsoring coverage!)

Considering the 150,000 attendees, and record size of exhibit space, it’s no wonder. This CES was huge. But for all of that, this blogger’s “take away” is just how social media is impacting the development of the newest tech, and how entertainment is becoming, more and more, a personally-controlled experience.

For example, the Hisense Google TV here…

…will fuse your social media world with your TV world, all in one giant screen TV set.

And Ultra 3D “without glasses” technology has come a long way:

And will one day become the standard, rendering glasses a thing of the past.

But if you think that’s something, just wait until my Samsung videos!

..That’s just one of them.

There’s a lot more news and content to come, so stay tuned to Zennie62.com

And thanks for visiting!

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