US. Army’s Caleb Campbell Now NFL Kansas City Chiefs Player

NFL Draft junkies might remember Caleb Campbell, the U.S. Army Lieutentant who was drafted by the Detroit Lions in the 7th Round of the 2008 NFL Draft in a wave of cheers from fan at Radio City Music Hall after he was introduced to the World on ESPN. This blogger was there:

So what happened to Caleb Campbell? Since that lofty day, Mr. Campbell went to the Lions, and according to the Lions’ website:

..was set to sign a rookie contract and pursue a career in professional football under the U.S. Military’s “Alternative Service Option”, which at the time was interpreted by the U.S. Army to include participation in professional sports. On the eve of training camp, July 22, 2008, Campbell was informed of revisions to the interpretation and that he had to serve two years of active duty before pursuing a career in the NFL. Shortly after returning to the Army, he was able to begin training as a “push athlete” with the U.S. Bobsled team.

Then he returned to the Lions as an undrafted free agent, two years later. After some stops, he wound up with the Indianapolis Colts in September on their practice squad; he was released on September 28th. Caleb then tried out with the Kansas City Chiefs in November, and as of the 15th of November was on the team.

Stay tuned.

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