Ray Rice Can Return To NFL Due To CBA

Ray Rice Can Return To NFL Due To CBA
Ray Rice, who’s image is all over the World due to the now famous viral video of him knockout punching his wife, can return to the NFL after his second week of suspension according to Leigh Steinberg.

On his Facebook page, the famed sports agent explains that the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement prohibits double jeopardy. A player can’t be punished twice for one offense.

Thus, Ray Rice has not only already been tried and convicted in the legal system and received his NFL punishment, but also is just three weeks from being eligible to return to the league.

This places new light on the failure of both the legal system and the league to take action at that time. No level of media outrage can overcome the NFL’s own constitution. Right now the league has acted in violation of its own governing set of rules.

Perhaps Ray Rice should hire Leigh Steinberg. If Leigh will take him that is.

Stay tuned.

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