Comic Con 2012: Scary Arrival, But Happy To Be Here For Preview Night!

San Diego, CA – This is my third Comic Con, thanks to but the first one where the airplane landing left me a bit shaky. See, I was in a deep sleep when the steward woke me up; I discovered the hard way we were landing. The first thing I saw was Downtown San Diego and buildings, up close and getting closer. So for a second I didn’t know what was going on, and then I realized we were landing and would be just fine.

But man, what a close approach. Take a look:

At any rate, I’m here for Comic Con, and massively excited.

With that, here’s my overview schedule:

Wednesday: arrive San Diego airport in the morning, get a shuttle to my hotel, check in, and settle in for a bit and blog and vlog. Next, a visit to The Apple Store because my MacBook’s trackpad is sticking! Then, I’m going high-tail it down to San Diego Convention Center to check in at press registration. Then, when officially badged, I’ll head down to look for David Glanzer to set up an interview meeting; he’s always the go-to guy for an update on all-things Comic Con, and this will be our sixth video.

6 PM is preview night at Comic Con, so follow me, Zennie62, here and on, and on Twitter for the latest. I’m going to add blog posts before I’m done today.

Stay tuned.

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