Berkeley Protests On Livestream Twitter Stream #BerkeleyProtests

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

The Berkeley Protests continue to roll through town, as as many as 2,000 people have participated in the mostly peaceful demonstrations that have been punctuated by moments of violent clashes with police and wanton destruction of property.

I am personally disappointed with this approach, and because it does not start to address the need to change the system. Tools like lawsuits and initiatives and voting plans and efforts have seemingly been forgotten amid this collective desire to march and in some cases riot.

But clearly something must be done. In many cases, change is happening in small ways. But what’s needed is a big, dramatic, bold stroke. I think the riots would stop if Daniel Pantaleo , the man who killed Eric Garner, were, in some twist, ordered to stand trial for his actions, as well as those of his colleagues.

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