Voting Machine Changed Vote From Obama To Romney

It’s a good thing there were enough votes to reelected President Obama, because the video you’re about to see is a clear visual document of how a voting machine actually selects Mitt Romney for President when the person was trying to select Barack Obama.

This reportedly occurred at a voting place in Harrisburg, PA. But, in case you’re wondering, the machine doesn’t appear to be one of those made by Hart Intercivic, the company Mitt Romney and family have a controlling ownership claim to. In the last blog on voting machines at Zennie62, those Hart machines were to be in Colorado, Hawaii, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas.

For some reason this news has not (yet) been picked up by mainstream media organizations. The news website AllVoices has done so. The conservative news website The Blaze looked at a complaint that was entered on October 31st, during the early voting period, and claiming to concern machines that were designed such that you had to place your finger exactly on “Mitt Romney” in order to cast a vote – if you were off by a little, the vote would have been cast for Obama, if you pressed the button.

But that’s different than what’s seen in the video above. That’s a clear example of vote machine rigging.

Thankfully, it did not work.

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