The Zennie62 Mobile App QR Code

After some planning and tinkering by this blogger the Zennie62 Mobile App is ready, and thanks to the use of Widgebox’s technology online.

It contains not only all Zennie62 blog posts, but Twitter tweets, and YouTube video posts. But the best news of all is that, in the words of Dr. Frankenstein, “IT WORKS.”

You can get the Zennie62 Mobile App by using a QR code scanner and running it over the photo here. Or you can visit this web page:

For bloggers considering joining Zennie62, the new mobile app is the latest effort in my multi-modal content distribution strategy. On Zennie62 Your content will be seen on not just the blog or Twitter or Facebook, but several social network platforms and now, this shiny new app!

Enjoy, and follow Zennie62 on Tout and Twitter .

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