Godzilla 2014: Cast And Crew List For Godzilla To Date

Godzilla 2014: “The Stonewater Tape” Links Godzilla To Bikini Atoll H-Bomb Testing

gbackgrd Godzilla 2014 is, itself, a giant movie production that, when extras and other studio employees like publicists are considered, not to mention vendors providing such things as food, involves almost 1,000 people. Right now, Godzilla is in post production, and over 100 people are working feverish hours to meet and eventual May 16th 2014 release date.

But who are the people working on Godzilla? I took the time to gather information to answer that question, in part with the help of the IMDB database, which one has to pay for, and other items I’ve slotted in where I could.

What I can tell you is that the production as of now involves Warner Bros and Legendary Pictures, as well as Disruption Entertainment (owned by Mary Parent), and of course Toho Company out of Tokyo, Japan. What I don’t know is how this list is going to change when the Warner Bros / Legendary Pictures partnership ends this year, and NBC / Universal takes over where Warner Bros left off.

Even with that, the news is Warner Bros will stick around to distribute Godzilla for Legendary for 2014, then that’s that. But if I’m NBC / Universal, I’d love to get at least a piece of that action, even if it’s just from the marketing perspective, where help is sorely needed right now.

Considering that we’re talking about Godzilla, it should be of concern to any real fan that the movie’s not getting the buzz that Spider Man II is generating, or The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, for that matter – the buzz meter for that flick is off the charts.

Who Is Working On Godzilla?

Before the list of people working on Godzilla is presented, let’s talk special effects. There has been a lot of questioning about special effects houses, so with that I’ve been able to determine that Double Negative, CafeFX, Amalgamated Dynamics Inc., The Third Floor, and MPC (Moving-Picture) are working together on that. And no, there’s no mention of the employment of WETA, the New Zealand special effects house made famous by Peter Jackson and his Lord Of The Rings series.

Indeed, it’s been tough going for vfx houses, in part because there are now so many of them chasing not a lot of work considering their numbers. The days where one house, Industrial Light and Magic, dominated every new blockbuster are over.

But I digress; here’s the list: the full credits for Godzilla to date. And I’ll update it as more information comes along.

Godzilla Director
Gareth Edwards

Godzilla Writers
Max Borenstein Screenplay
Dave Callaham Screenplay
Frank Darabont Screenplay
David S. Goyer Story

Godzilla Producers
Yoshimitsu Banno … executive producer
Alex Garcia … executive producer
Jon Jashni … producer
Kenji Okuhira … executive producer
Mary Parent … producer
Brian Rogers … producer
Thomas Tull … producer
Patricia Whitcher … executive producer

Here’s my 2010 interview with Brian Rogers:

Godzilla Cast
Aaron Taylor-Johnson … Ford
Bryan Cranston
Elizabeth Olsen
Sally Hawkins
Juliette Binoche
Ken Watanabe
David Strathairn
Brian Markinson … Whalen
Victor Rasuk
Richard T. Jones
Al Sapienza … Huddleston
Patrick Sabongui … Master Sargeant Marcus Waltz
Jake Cunanan … Akio
Primo Allon … Mine Team Member
Jeric Ross … Dying Man in Triage
Carson Bolde … Sam
Warren Takeuchi … Akio’s Father

Godzilla Cinematographers
Seamus McGarvey

Godzilla Editors
Bob Ducsay

Godzilla Casting Directors
Sarah Finn

Godzilla Production Designers
Owen Paterson

Godzilla Art Directors
Ross Dempster
Dan Hermansen
Scott Meehan
Grant Van Der Slagt (supervising art director)

Godzilla Set Decorators
Elizabeth Wilcox

Godzilla Costume Designers
Sharen Davis

Godzilla Make Up Department
Diana Acrey … hair stylist
Vincenza Celentano-Smith … assistant makeup artist
Mahealani Diego … hair stylist
Mahealani Diego … makeup artist
Victoria Down … makeup artist
Céline Godeau … assistant makeup artist
Toby Lindala … special makeup effects artist
Sherry Linder-Gygli … hair stylist
Doug Morrow … prosthetic manufacture
Christopher Mark Pinhey … assistant makeup artist
Jessica Rain … key hair stylist

Godzilla Production Managers
Renee Confair … production supervisor: Hawaii
Eric Hedayat … production executive: Legendary Pictures
Jim Rowe … unit production manager
LeeAnn Stonebreaker … unit production manager
Ty Warren … executive in charge of production: Legendary Pictures

Godzilla Second Unit Directors and / or Assistant Directors
Ashley Bell … third assistant director
Misha Bukowski … key second assistant director
Josy Capkun … second assistant director: second unit
Alexander H. Gayner … first assistant director
Florian Halbedl … trainee assistant director
Scott Kukurudz … trainee assistant director: second unit
Brian Sepanzyk … third assistant director
Rhonda Taylor … third assistant director

Godzilla Art Department
Karen Archibald … on-set painter
Doreen Austria … graphic designer
Britt Bancroft … set decoration coordinator
Chris Beach … art director: second unit
Laurel Bergman … graphic artist
Laurel Bergman … set designer
Kris Bergthorson … set designer
Michael A. Billings … set decoration buyer
Brent Boates … storyboard artist
Damon Bowden … painter supervisor
Nancy Anna Brown … set designer
Jason Claridge … key paint coordinator
David Clarke … assistant art director
John Coven … storyboard artist
Brian Cunningham … illustrator
John Dale … construction coordinator
Eddie Del Rio … illustrator
Dean Eilertson … supervising prop master
Warren Flanagan … illustrator
Jack Gauvreau … head sculptor
Thomas Goodwin … junior draughtsman
Frank Hong … illustrator
Patrick Kearns … set dresser
Jason B. Landels … on set props
Dominic Lavery … concept artist
Craig K. Lewis … set decorations shopper/buyer
Andrew Li … assistant art director
Rohan Lyal … head greensman
Ignacio McBurney … assistant set decorator
Sean McGee … on-set props assistant
Kan Muftic … concept artist
Antony Nguyen … concept sculptor
Ken Palkow … prop fabricator
Vicki Pui … illustrator
Aja Kai Rowley … art department assistant
Bryan Sutton … set designer
Spencer Turley … construction clerk
Kelly Westmiller … construction coordinator
Jordy Wihak … prop buyer: prep
Harrison Yurkiw … assistant art director

Godzilla Sound Department
Erik Aadahl … sound designer
Michael McGee … sound mixer
Charles O’Shea … boom operator
Juniper Watters … sound assistant

Godzilla Special Effects Department
Cara E. Anderson … special effects assistant
Paul Benjamin … special effects technician
Matthew Borgatti … assistant workshop supervisor: Amalgamated Dynamics Inc.
Dan Cervin … special effects technician
Kelly Coe … special effects technician
Garnet Harry … special effects buyer
Steve Koch … designer: Amalgamated Dynamics Inc.
Graphic Layout … special effects coordinator: Amalgamated Dynamics
Kyle T. Moore … special effects technician
Mark Noel … special effects foreman: Amalgamated Dynamics
Dan Oliver … special effects technician
James Paradis … special effects coordinator: second unit coordinator
Corey Tornack … special effects technician
Scott R. Treliving … special effects technician
Joel Whist … special effects coordinator
Garth Winkless … fabricator: Amalgamated Dynamics

Godzilla Visual Effects Department
Carmine Agnone … matchmove Artist: MPC
Zohaib Ahsan … lighting technical director: Dneg
Charise E. Angone … visual effects coordinator
George Antonopoulos … compositor
Adam Avery … visual effects editor
Alexandre Bain … prep artist: Double Negative
Jennifer-Jo Barker … previsualization production manager: MPC
Tom Becker … visual effects artist
Justin Thomas Billings … production assistant: visual effects
Jourdan Biziou … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Jason Brown … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Matthew Bullock … previs asset builder: MPC Vancouver
Maria Busco … effects technical director: Double Negative
Dorian Bustamante … previsualization lead artist: The Third Floor
Stephen Camardella … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Eric Carney … previsualization supervisor: The Third Floor
Michael Cashmore … visual effects artist
Shoghi Castel De Oro … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Solene Chan-lam … modeler / texture artist
Peter Chiang … visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
Caleb Choo … matchmove artist: Double Negative
J. Todd Constantine … previsualization lead artist: The Third Floor
Rick Cortes … digital compositor
Andrew Cottingham … previsualization coordinator: The Third Floor
Aurore de Blois … digital compositor
Anthony Di Ninno … previsualization supervisor: MPC
Rodrigo Dorsch … digital compositor: Double Negative
Kim Doyle … visual effects production manager
David Ebner … digital effects: ComputerCafe/CafeFX
Christopher Edwards … previsualization creative director: The Third Floor
Jordan Emerick … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Brian Emerson … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Marq Faulkner … lighting technical director: MPC
Alastair Ferris-Leak … lighting artist
John Fielding … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Paul Flanagan … digital artist
Pätrick Gehlen … previsualization lead artist: The Third Floor
Judith Gericke … visual effects line producer: Double Negative
Safeer Ghaznavi … digital compositor
Kunal Ghosh Dastider … lead effects technical director: MPC
Namita Gotephode … modeling and shading manager
James Grummitt … visual effects coordinator: MPC
Gil Hacco … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Jacob Halajian … previsualization coordinator: The Third Floor
Jon Hanzelka … lidar scanning: Lidar VFX
Brandon Harr … lidar supervisor: LiDAR VFX
Daniel Heder … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Keith Herft … sequence supervisor
John Hill … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Matthew Horner … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Julia Hiroko Howe … digital effects artist
Barry Howell … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Damian Isherwood … model shop supervisor
Qi Steven Jin … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Blake Kenneth Johnson … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Felix Jorge … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Chaitanya Kapu … pipeline technical director: Double Negative
David Kirchner … effects td: Double Negative
Allie Koppel … previsualization accountant: The Third Floor
John Kubasco … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Josh Lange … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Shandy Lashley … data wrangler
Youen Leclerc … lighting technical director: Double Negative
Herman Lee … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Pier Lefebvre … lead matte painter: MPC
Frederik Lillelund … lighting technical director: Double Negative
William Lin Jiahui … matchmove lead: double negative
Cindy Liu … visual effects editor: mpc
Blaine Lougheed … lead visual effects set coordinator
Charlotte Loughnane … VFX Producer Dneg
Bret Lu … lighting artist
Garry Maddison … colourist
Les Major … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Mitchell Marciales … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Allen Maris … visual effects producer
Natanya Marks … previsualization production manager: The Third Floor
Will Martindale … digital compositor: Double Negative
Roger Mathews … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Nathan McConnel … animation sequence supervisor: Double Negative
Clare McLaughlin … visual effects production coordinator: MPC
Rosanna Mennear … visual effects coordinator: double negative
Matt Middleton … DFX supervisor: MPC
Phillip Minter … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Joseph Murad … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Jens Mårtensson … digital effects artist
Hajime Nakamura … CGI artist
Georges Nakhle … senior effects technical director: Double Negative
Evan Ng … matchmove artist: Double Negative
Antony Nguyen … digital artist
Motoki Nishii … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Braden Oberson … previs editor: MPC Vancouver
Carolyn Oros … previsualization head of pipeline: The Third Floor
Brian Pace … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Brett Paton … CG artist: ComputerCafe/CafeFX
James Purdy … visual effects coordinator: MPC
Emily Rifkin … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Benoit Rimet … visual effects artist
Jeff Robinson … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Guillaume Rocheron … visual effects supervisor: MPC
Rebecca Cecot Rogers … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Jim Rygiel … visual effects supervisor
Matt Sadler … effects technical director: Double Negative
Will Seaborn … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Kerry Shea … previsualization producer: The Third Floor
Monica Sun … visual effects
Benoit Terminet Schuppon … matchmove supervisor: Double Negative
Lee Tibbetts … modeller: double negative
Ashley Tilley … visual effects artist
Dan Tindell … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Steven Tom … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Eric Walls … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Nye Warburton … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
David Weinstein … previsualization artist: The Third Floor
Neil West … lighting technical director

Godzilla Stunts
Fraser Aitcheson … stunt performer
Ed Anders … stunt performer
Christopher Ang … stunt performer
Brittney Banks … stunt performer
Brittney Banks … utility stunts
Jason Bell … stunt performer
Krista Bell … stunts
Curt Bonn … stunt performer
Emily Brobst … stunt double
Todd Bryant … stunts
Clint Carleton … stunt performer
Janene Carleton … stunts
Fraser Corbett … stunt performer
Bruce Crawford … stunt player
Alex Daniels … stunts
Craig H. Davidson … stunts
Wade Eastwood … stunts
Victor Favrin … stunt performer
Greg Fitzpatrick … stunts
Craig Fraser … stunts
Darin Fujimori … stunts
Chris Geisler … stunt performer
Christopher Gordon … utility stunts
Al Goto … stunts
Kory Grim … stunts
Rob Hayter … stunt performer
Paul Lacovara … stunts
Dave Lane … stunt rigger
Cody Laudan … stunt performer
Jae Lee … stunt performer
Nicole Lissner … stunts
Brian Lydiatt … stunt rigger
Layton Morrison … stunt coordinator
Crystal Mudry … stunt performer
Jennifer Mylrea … stunt performer
Guy Pere … stunts
Katie Wright Pere … stunts
Johnson Phan … stunts
Mark Rayner … stunts
Rex Reddick … stunts
Kevin Reid … stunts
Chad Riley … stunt performer
Larry Rippenkroeger … stunts
Dan Rizzuto … stunt performer
Jimmy N. Roberts … stunt driver
Jeff Sanca … stunt driver
Darryl Scheelar … stunt performer
Sonny Sison … stunts
Jodi Stecyk … utility stunts
John Stoneham Jr. … stunt coordinator
Christopher Tardieu … stunts
Rorelee Tio … stunts
Steve Upton … stunt rigger
Nico Woulard … stunts

Godzilla Camera and Electrical Department
Skylar Almas … grip
Jay Anderson … rigging electrician
Scott Andrew Armstrong … rigging grip
Troy Bassett … rigging grip
Harold Bernard … second assistant camera: “b” camera
Brian Broz … digital imaging technician
Jake Capistron … eclipse technician
John Clothier … camera operator: “b” camera
Bill Coe … first assistant camera
Rick Crum … electrician
Lonny Danler … digital imaging technician: second unit
Drew David … second grip
Mitch Dubin … camera operator
David Lloyd Edwards … utility second assistant camera: second unit
Kimberly French … still photographer
David Goyer … rigging electrician
Peter Graf … aerial camera system tech eclipse
Stuart Haggerty … gaffer
Rod Haney … rigging grip
Jeff Harvey … rigging best boy
Mike Kirilenko … key grip
Steve Krasznai … digital camera assistant
Ian R.C. Levine … second assistant camera
Brent Lister … rigging grip
Sarah Mather … camera loader
Ryan Monro … dolly grip
Joern Christian Novotny … balloon light technician
Sean Oxenbury … key rigging gaffer
Peter Pacula … best boy rigging grip
Phil Pastuhov … aerial director of photography
Dylan Paul … balloon light technician
Theo Pingarelli … assistant camera
Christian Schauz … lighting technician
Ian Seabrook … underwater camera operator
Todd Shelley … grip
Shaun Stander … digital loader
Scott Wallace … video playback operator
Lance White … video assist
Rick Wiley … best boy grip
Rick Wiley … rigging grip best boy

Godzilla Animation Department
Jourdan Biziou … previs animator
Jason Snyman … creative animation lead

Godzilla Casting Department
Tamara Hunter … casting associate
Claire Koonce … casting assistant
Jason B. Stamey … casting assistant

Godzilla Costume and Wardrobe Department
Carolyn Bentley … set costumer
Phuong Chau … breakdown artist
Karen Durrant … key breakdown artist
Carole Griffin … costume coordinator
Jana MacDonald … costume supervisor
Susan O’Hara … costume supervisor

Godzilla Editorial Department
Jason Dale … assistant editor
Matt Gough … editorial assistant
Joseph Kirkland … first assistant editor
Amanda I. Kirpaul … previsualization editor: The Third Floor
Jamal McLemore … assistant editor
Shae Salmon … assistant editor
Michael Wilman … digital image coordinator

Godzilla Music Department
Dave Jordan … music supervisor

Godzilla Transportation Department
Blue Angus … transportation coordinator
Rafal Dybowski … driver
Paul Irvine … transportation captain
Rock LeRoy … transportation
Barrie Poirier … transportation co-captain
Rick Rasmussen … picture car coordinator
Mike Sassen … production driver

Godzilla Miscellaneous Crew
Karen Bergen … production accountant
Noelle Bernhard … office production assistant: San Francisco
Taylor Boyd … key assistant location manager
Shirit Bradley … assistant to executive producer
Francie Brown … dialect coach
Kimberly Buckham … first assistant production coordinator
Eudora Chu … production assistant
Yamato Cibulka … production assistant
Jessica Clothier … script supervisor
Jason Collier … assistant location manager
Rick Crum … air conditioning technician
Carl Cunningham … public relations
Colin J. Czarnecki … production assistant
Hanelize de Beer … assistant production coordinator/shipping coordinator
James D. Dever … technical advisor: military
Terry Edinger … production controller
Trevor Fieldhouse … on-set background wrangler
Cory Fleming … helicopter pilot
Katie Gallant … production assistant
Meredith Garstin … production assistant
Erica Getler … assistant to producer: Patty Whitcher
Brad Gibson … dialect coach
Veloz Gomez … production assistant
Christopher J. Green … construction accountant
Jean-Léon Groenewald … production assistant
Beth Henderson … office production assistant
Brian C. Hirono … japanese dialogue coach
Jessica Hoyles … first assistant production office coordinator: second unit
Jessica Johnston … production assistant
Leah Kaina … production secretary: Hawaii
Paul Kalkman … production assistant
Chizu Kanada … Japanese dialogue coach
Jordan Kirkwood … stand-in
Dan Kuzmenko … assistant location manager
Andrea Larsen … first assist accountant
Bryce McLaughlin … production assistant
Emily-Claire McLaughlin … digital asset administrator
Kurt J. Miner … risk manager
Mr. Monze … production assistant
Amy R. Murphy … production coordinator: second unit
Kyle Otterstein … production secretary: las vegas
Rino Pace … location manager
Estevan Padilla … production assistant
Heather Phan … office production assistant: San Francisco
Emily Pierceall … production coordinator: San Fransico
Mick Rochon … production assistant
S. Steven Sach … location scouting
Nick Schwyter … production assistant
Michael Shapiro … production assistant
Natalie Zara Smith … studio teacher
Adrienne Sol … production coordinator
Joe Stargensky … assistant location manager: Hawaii
Alex Sundquist … production assistant
Jodi Tripi … stock footage researcher
Ani Vanoyan … second assistant accountant
Ric Walkington … armorer
Stacia Warren … production coordinator: San Francisco
Tashia Wong … production assistant

Stay tuned.

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