NFL Wants Miami Dolphins To Remain In South Florida

NFLThe National Football League wants the Miami Dolphins to remain a going concern in the South Florida region.

That message was communicated via NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell while on the NFL Network for a wide-ranging interview on Thursday. But the topic that some in the media have bungled is that the Miami Dolphins are planning to move the team. While Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross and Dolphins CEO Mike Dee certainly sent the wrong message with last weekend’s political rants, they stopped short of saying they would move the organization. Now Goodell has stepped in to, basically, clean up the Miami Dolphins poor messaging.

This is what Goodell said to NFL Network Reporter Steve Wyche:

Wyche: From the league point of view, do you think you’ll get involved now? Kind of like you did in Minnesota, to try to get the politicians to get this on the ground again. Is this a dead issue? Where exactly is this?

Goodell: Again, I was involved. I went down to Tallahassee myself before the legislative session ended. Of course we will stay involved. We will do whatever is necessary, because we do think it’s right for all of Florida. We think it’s particularly good for the Miami-Dade area. It will help attract bigger events, and that will have a real economic impact on the community.

Wyche: Any fear in this talk that things look bleak and relocation could be possible, folks kind of floating those things out there? Is that a concern? Do you want to see the Dolphins stay in Miami?

Goodell: We do want to see the Dolphins stay in Miami. We want to see them stay in a facility that will allow them to compete, and to bring in other big events, including Super Bowls. That takes work, it takes investment, and Steve Ross was doing the investing and was really the guy who was putting his heart and soul into this and his passion into this. What’s frustrating is that it didn’t get a chance to get to the voters.

Stay tuned.

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