President Obama’s Massive Party In San Francisco

President Obama in SF

Let’s get this out of the way: the Obama Victory Fund Party held at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium was a hell of a lot of fun. This blogger was blessed with the opportunity to attend, and not as a press person, but as one who raised $5,500 for President Obama, and entirely via social media: blog posts, YouTube video, and Twitter tweets. (Photo by Indian Times.)

Anyone who thinks you can’t fundraise via social media is brain-dead.

Anyway, much of my videos were from the upper deck, until I realized I was “VIP” and could walk down to the main floor, which I eventually did just moments before Barack talked. Still the scene in the 2 deck was awesome, and there was a kid of about 12 years old totally popping to the music, much to the delight of the crowd.

At any rate, John Legend, and Michael Franti and Shiela E threw a massively rousing pre-speech concert. The event was opened by San Francisco 49ers Alex Smith and Vernon Davis, who represented the organization really well. Then San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee came forward as cheerleader and said “You want a President who’s going to support Big Bird, not Big Oil.” Even as a guy who likes Chevron, I have to admit that was funny.

Then there was Barack’s rousing speech, echoing themes he started with all the way back at the 2004 Democratic Convention, you could see he was fired up and ready to go.

I have videos from the event – stay tuned.

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