The Avengers: Marvel Entertaiment Movie Update

As The Avengers, the live-action Marvel Entertaiment / Disney version of the classic Marvel Comics series of iconic superheros who can’t get along, but need each other, races toward its May 4th, 2012 release date, more information is coming out about the movie itself and upcoming content. Most notably, a new trailer coming and an Entertainment Weekly splash mag that came out a week ago.

Wait, new trailer?

That’s right, on October 11th, Marvel Entertaiment will release what will be the first trailer showing real action from The Avengers. And, as it will be presented online using its Facebook Page as a gateway to its iTunes page, you can see it from this link here, on this upcoming Tuesday. The only problem is Marvel failed to note the time of the release.

In preparation for The Avengers, this blogger has started reading a version of The Avengers called The Ultimates, called a “modern reimagining” of the clan, and said to be the volumes most closely like what the movie itself may turn out to be.

If that’s the case, get ready for one drunk and horny version of The Hulk.

A Wikipedia description almost perfectly depicts the first The Ultimates:

…The team, dubbed the Ultimates, includes Tony Stark (Iron Man) and scientist couple Hank and Janet Pym (Giant-Man and the Wasp) and take up residence in the Triskelion, an island laboratory run by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor is offered a position in the Ultimates, but denies it on the condition that the president agrees to triple the funds allocated to environmental issues in the budget. Bruce Banner is made the new science director, attempting to duplicate the super soldier serum. Betty Ross, Bruce’s ex-girlfriend, is appointed as the team’s Director of Communications. Bruce attempts to rekindle their relationship but is constantly spurned and belittled. A S.H.I.E.L.D. research team discovers Captain America frozen in the Arctic and attempt to gain a sample of the serum from his body. Instead, Captain America is revived and offered a place in the Ultimates.

The Ultimates fail to gain major publicity, and the government considers withdrawing the defense budget. However, Bruce, in an attempt to create the team’s first major fight, combines Captain America’s super-soldier serum with the formula that turns him into the Hulk and injects it into his blood steam, transforming him into a larger, more powerful Hulk. The Hulk goes on a murdurous rampage through Manhattan searching for Betty, who is on a date with Freddie Prinze, Jr. The Ultimates intercept him and a battle ensues, and Giant-Man is incapacitated early in the fight. The president triples the environmental issues funds at the last second, and Thor arrives the help the Ultimates. The Hulk is eventually subdued when the Wasp navigates her way into his brain and electrocutes his brain stem, reverting him back to his original self.

While there’s no indication that Giant-Man and the Wasp are in the movie version of The Avengers, there are strong hints of a fight between The Hulk and at least one or two of the other Avengers. Given the story freedom Jos Whedon has, will that be a variation of The Ultimates?

Stay tuned.

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