“Honey Badger Don’t Give a Shit” Video Vs. “Fight With Bouncer At SF Fillmore” Video

For some reason the Honey Badger video called “The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)” has gained over (as of this writing) 47 million views on YouTube since it was posted on January 11th 2011. Meanwhile the Fight With Bouncer At SF Fillmore Jazz Festival video has gained just over 1.6 million views since July 4th 2009. I watched The Honey Badger video, and have to admit I almost fell to sleep over it. There was nothing that caught me.


Except I looked at the comments and they were dominated by observations of how the narrator, Randall, called the scenes from National Geographic, featuring a honey badger at work, chasing after and feasting on a snake, then going to sleep, then getting up and going back to work, eating the poisonous snake – leading to the commentary by Randall that “Honey Badger don’t give a shit.”


Here’s the Honey Badger Video:

For some interesting reason the stats for the Honey Badger video can’t be seen by the public. I’m interesting in how it was posted and where to cause it to gain that many views. Ok, I get that people think Randall’s funny, but he’s not that hilarious to me, and I can’t believe having a queer-sounding voice is the lone key to viral video fame and fortune.

Maybe that’s because I don’t want to go that route.

At any rate, perhaps because I’m biased, but my “Fight With Bouncer At SF Fillmore” is a more compelling story that can have two reasonable people in massive disagreement. Here’s the video:

Ok, was the bouncer in the right? What about the guy in green complaining to him? What do you think?

A Male Audience For “Fight With Bouncer At SF Fillmore”

I do know one thing: the top audience demos for my video are all male: Male 35-44, Male 45-54, and Male 25-34, whereas I’d bet the demographic for the “Honey Badger Don’t Give a Shit” video is split between men and women and much younger. Why? Well, it’s a silly video simply because of the narrator’s voice and what he says. It’s certainly every bit as violent as the Fillmore video, but it’s a non-human violence. That’s something to consider.

But I’m still curious about the video distribution process.

Honey Badget don’t give a shit, but I do.

Stay tuned.

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