Google 1+ Button More Widespread Than Twitter Tweet Button? Hold On Pal!

Mashable’s Todd Wasserman blogs that Google’s +1 button is “already more widespread than Twitter’s Tweet Button.” That’s according to a not-linked-to study by BrightEdge.

But if Mr. Wasserman downloaded the study and read it, then did some research, he would have learned that among the top 10,000 websites were two sites, Google and YouTube, that were not mentioned in the company’s press release.

Both Google and YouTube have, you guessed it, the 1+ button. YouTube alone represents millions of video content web pages that have the Google + button on them.

Plus, the other problem with the report is that it fails to say what list of 10,000 top websites it used/ So if it was one with multiple listings of Google websites, representing different countries, as is true for this site, it’s no wonder Google’s +1 button comes out ahead of Facebook.

It’s a fair bet that if Google and YouTube were removed from the picture, Twitter would be far ahead of Google +1.

So, bottom line is, hold on pal. You can’t trust the BrightEdge study to be accurate here.

This blogger’s point is, the claim’s not supported by evidence.

But don’t take my word for it; look for yourself here: STUDY.

Wow. What’s the rush to bury Facebook and Twitter all about? Whatever the case, the frenzy’s starting to be the catalyst for wild behavior. This Google + study was one example, as has been the claim that Twitter is losing users to Google +.

I prefer to ask, ‘How can I integrate them.”
Stay tuned.

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