Is This Christopher Dorner On The CNN Website Forum?

Christopher Dorner, the AWOL ex-LAPD Police Officer, who took five years of pent-up anger and is lashing out at members of the police force, killing them, just may have been in some warm place using the CNN forum 19 hours ago, and while hundreds of law enforcement officials search for him in the below-freezing cold of Big Bear, California.

Middlebar: A word on Dorner’s Manifesto:

That’s what a Twitter user, David King, picked up and posted in this tweet:

So this blogger checked the CNN source page, and sure enough, there was a large list of comments belonging to a “Chris Dorner,” on this CNN page and here they are:


Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 11 hours ago

Abuse what? justice will always prevail 1 way or another. its just your justice is different from mine. The justice system let me down and will continue letting law abiding citizens down until we STAND UP!!

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 11 hours ago

I hate clint eastwood. I also hate ignorant people like you that spews nonsense based on nothing.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 11 hours ago

I lived by the rules. why shouldn’t the L.A.P.D have too? Its not fair and more people need to stand up and speak on whats right!!

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 11 hours ago

sorry sir. I am a republican at heart.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

how about i just kill you then turn my self in? would you be willing to sacrifice your life to save your fellow americans?

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

They are!! if people weren’t so blinded for the hatred they have of a black man they would see the L.A.P.D for what they really are!! crooked cops!

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

Why? so they can do me like they are now and slander my name?

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago


Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

And that i will!

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

no i wont. tell them to do the right honest thing and all this will be over. or will they be like typical republicans and hold the country hostage just to continue living there lies! not lives.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

continue living in fear. but living in fear isn’t living, its surviving.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

do your job and stop living in fear!

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

I was fired for living by the creed i swore to live by. They don’t want the cover up to be uncovered now they are trying to kill me! my heart goes out to the innocent people being involved in this.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

your right, i do.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

no i wasn’t! I was a good honest man that fought and protected my country here at home and abroad. I played by all the rules and you slander me for speaking up against people breaking the law? You sir our right i am not good for the L.A.P.D. seeing the history of them. i am nothing like that.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

yes, that amerikkkans like you stop destroying the meaning of this country. our forefathers made this country for ANY and EVERYBODY who wanted a better life. All people like you do is spew lies and destroy our youth with your ignorant ideologies. please keep them to your self.

Avatar Chris_Dorner posted a comment in Manhunt continues for ex-cop wanted in 3 deaths · 19 hours ago

i never meant for this to happen. I lived my life according to the rules set for me. I saw the law being broken and i reported it. Then it turn arounds around on me! I didn’t mean nor want for this to happen. I noticed this is the generation of not fighting back for the greater good, but something must be done. trust me im probably saving a lot of innocent people from being gunned down by crooked cops. If this what it task this what it must be. My cry is that more people will change in amerikkka. You took everything i had “my name”. so im gonna take everything you love. including the feeling you cops have of being safe. That is no more, you will now live in fear like the people you terrorize throughout L.A. The greed and crookedness MUST STOP! BY ANY MEANS

The question is, is this the real Chris Dorner?

Well, to be frank, and I’m in agreement with King, the pattern of words fits the style of what he seemed to say in his manifesto, plus, this “Dorner” is not repeating words from it, as a prankster might do.

Something else, the CNN Forum is not designed to record a person’s location, so this person could be the real man, as much as he could be fake. But this one, I think that was Chris Dorner. And if it is, the bet in this space is that Dorner’s not covered up in some hyper-cold environment. He’s some where comfortable with Internet access.


Stay tuned.

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