Brandon Jacobs Apologizes For Telling Gisele Bundchen To “Shut Up”

Tom Brady’s wife Gisele Bundchen just received the respect she deserves from New York Giants Running Back Brandon Jacobs when he apologized on national radio just over an hour ago for saying that she should “be cute and shut up” after she said that Brady could not both throw and catch the ball. A reference to the Pats receiving issues in Super Bowl XLVI. Here’s my video:

According to, on ESPN Radio’s Doug Gottlieb Show, Jocobs admitted that what he said about her was just plain wrong. Jacobs said:

“Given the fact that it’s a colleague of mine’s wife, I do apologize for saying that, because I shouldn’t have said that. It’s his wife and I should respect that just as much as anyone else.”

But Brandon did not take back his comment that Gisele Bundchen was “cute,” and, well, she is. Jacobs said:

“No question, he (Tom Brady) should take that as a compliment. If he finds something wrong with that, then that’s his problem.”

Gisele has her back to everyone when she rants
As stated in the video above, what Giants players are missing is that fact that Gisele made the comment to a friend and thought she was out of the range of anyone with a recording device powerful enough to pick up what she said. In fact, I’d bet money Gisele had a glass of something with alcohol and was feeling good enough to say what was on her mind.

But she didn’t say it to the media.

Still, Gisele did make herself a media target when, last week, she asked everyone to pray for her hubby to win the game. Folks did pray, but from the looks of it all, it was more for Eli Manning than for Tom Brady.

Whatever the case, it was still the best Super Bowl ever.

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