Stephanie Thorpe ‘Comic Con Dangerous Woman’ Update

When last we checked, Stephanie Thorpe had just secured the rights to develop new versions of the modern classic ElfQuest. If you recall, I met Ms. Thorpe at this year’s Comic Con:

Stephanie Thorpe
But Stephanie, proving that she’s one of the most dangerous Comic Con women, does not sit still. Here’s a quick update from her newsletter:

I hope this finds you well. It’s been a busy fall for me. I had the priviledge of speaking on 2 panels at Stan Lee’s Comikaze in September: ‘Geek Girls Create’ and ‘Comics, Lit & New Media’. Then it was off to this year’s Social Media Week in LA. My IAWTV Nominated project, Shelf Life, was featured at the event. It was an absolute blast!

And she’s…

– Starring in Fury of Solace
– Lead in new series The Ladies & The Gents
– Joining cast of new series Legendary
– Lead in new series Pairings
– I have 2 national spots running
– Series regular in Gold: Night of the Zombie King

And that’s in addition to a dizzying array of appearances and work.

Stay tuned.

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