Virginia Tech Shooting; Killer Shot Cop and Himself

The Virginia Tech Campus has been victimized once again by a lone gun man who, unlike the tragic occurrence of 2007, is as of this writing still at large.

CORRECTION as of 4:36 PM EST: the suspect was just found dead – according to Headline News, he shot himself.

Two people, one a police officer, were skilled by a man described as a white man in gray sweat pants, with a maroon hoodie, and a backpack. All of this happened as students prepared for final exams.

As of this writing, the campus is on lockdown. According to Twitter tweets, ABC News reports that the FBI and ATF have sent agents to assist in the unfolding developments at Virginia Tech.

If you’re reading this and are a concerned family member, the hotline is this: Official Virginia Tech line for concerned family members: 540-231-3787.

Virginia Tech Website Info

It was hard to get timely information from Virginia Tech because it’s website is slammed, but this blogger managed to get through. Here’s what’s posted as of 4:22 PM, EST and star:

There are no new substantiated reports of suspicious or criminal activity. Status of the shooter remains unknown. Police continue to ask the university community to stay where they are and secure in place.

Law enforcement continues to search for the shooter and help to secure the campus.

Thus, the rest of this blog post will be an embeded Twitter stream.

Stay tuned.

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