Alec Baldwin Kicked Off Plane, Rod Blago Gets 14 Yrs, Sandusky Arrested

Alec Baldwin
Wow. OK. Alec Baldwin got kicked off a plane, Rod Blagojevich Gets 14 Yrs for ethics violations, and Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky was arrested, again. And that was the news for Wednesday.

30 Rock Star Alec Baldwin was the most shocking news, because this blogger assumed he was making enough cash to afford a private jet. Guess not. He was on an American Airlines flight, and for some reason decided to play on his cell phone even as the crew asked him to stop. Here’s what American Airlines said, according to TMZ, and it’s totally funny:

AA says, “Since an extremely vocal customer has publicly identified himself as being removed from an American Airlines flight on Tuesday, Dec. 6, we have elected to provide the actual facts of the matter as well as the FAA regulations which American, and all airlines, must enforce. Cell phones and electronic devices are allowed to be used while the aircraft is at the gate and the door is open for boarding.”

“When the door is closed for departure and the seat belt light is turned on, all cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off for taxi-out and take-off.”

“This passenger declined to turn off his cell phone when asked to do so at the appropriate time. The passenger ultimately stood up (with the seat belt light still on for departure) and took his phone into the plane’s lavatory. He slammed the lavatory door so hard, the cockpit crew heard it and became alarmed, even with the cockpit door closed and locked.”

“They immediately contacted the cabin crew to check on the situation. The passenger was extremely rude to the crew, calling them inappropriate names and using offensive language. Given the facts above, the passenger was removed from the flight and denied boarding.”

Today, Alec issued an apology, of sorts on The Huffington Post, but it’s really a blast on AA called “A Farewell to Common Sense, Style, and Service on American Airlines.” Here’s part of it:

First off, I would like to apologize to the other passengers onboard the American Airlines flight that I was thrown off of yesterday. It was never my intention to inconvenience anyone with my “issue” with a certain flight attendant.

I suppose a part of my frustration lay with the fact that I had flown American for over 20 years and was brand loyal, in the extreme. The ticketing agents and Admiral’s Club staff have always been nothing but abundantly helpful to me, as I have flown hundreds of thousands of miles with the one carrier.

In this case, while other people were still manipulating their own phones, this one employee singled me out to put my phone away. Afterward, we still sat at the gate. I pulled out my phone again, while others did the same. Again, I was singled out by this woman in the most unpleasant of tones. I guess the fact that this woman, who had decided to make some example of me, while everyone else was left undisturbed, did get the better of me.

Wow from that, Alec has a point and AA may be in the wrong – BUT he did not say anything about charging to the bathroom. Read the rest here: You gotta be kidding me!

As far as former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich getting 14 years, all this blogger can say is why does he get so much, and the Oscar Grant killer Johannes Mehserle, so little? That’s really weird. I said Blago pissed off President Obama, but 14 years?

Someone else in jail now is former Penn State Defensive Coach Jerry Sandusky. I’m not used to blogging about stuff like what he did, so I’ll just say, as I did in the video, something is wrong with that man. More later, as the new report’s on the Internet. But today’s travel day – off to the airport again in a bit! Gotta get dressed after blogging in bed!

Stay tuned.

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