Sharon Bialek, Gloria Allred, Herman Cain, Sexual Harassment and Credibility

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Yesterday, Sharon Bialek teamed up with famed celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, stepped up to the mic to give graphic details about her alleged sexual harassment encounter with Herman Cain, and immediately found herself the target of charges that she’s less than credible.

If you didn’t see her talk on video, here it is, with my commentary:

As stated, a number of Tea Party people at Free Republic have said they don’t remember seeing her at the event where she claimed to have seen Herman Cain. More specifically, a lead activist of the Chicago Tea Party, Steven Tucker, who says he didn’t see her there. “I have spoken at Tea Party events ALL OVER Chicagoland including TeaCon Midwest 2011 where Gloria Allred says her client “confronted” Herman Cain. I have never seen nor have I ever even heard of a Sharon Bialek,” he told Freeper Chuck Norton.

There is something wrong with this story. But it doesn’t clear Cain of the other claims that he sexually harassed other women. Even with that, there’s what I call the “white factor.” In other words, in the case of Sharon, why the hell would Sharon actually FLY TO WASHINGTON TO MEET HERMAN CAIN just to ask for a job from a man she really didn’t know at all? Perhaps someone wanted to take down a high-rising black executive, and picked a white, blonde girl to do it?

Hey, we’re talking the 90s, not the 21st Century; such racist acts were far more common then. Times have changed.

The normal action to is to just call him and ask for help, not fly to Washington DC, get a hotel room, then call him. Her own statements make it sound like she was trying to set the man up or maybe she was working as some kind of escort at the time, and Cain called her. Say, life’s stranger than the obvious fiction of this story.

If this story is true, which I doubt, it still has the look of “set up” written all over it.

Whatever the case, Monday was a bad day for brothers, as I say below. Cain should know this, and have been on guard when Sharon called and asked him to meet her at a hotel – a woman he did not know. That is, if she’s telling the truth.

And so I ask: why hasn’t the mainstream media asked Rick Perry if he’s gay?

A reminder….

Meanwhile We Have A Great President

Another reminder that we already have a great President in office: his name is Barack Obama. Vote for him in 2012.

Stay tuned.

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